Australian Animal Tarot — Таро Австралийских Животных | Энциклопедия карт Таро и оракулов Rozamira

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Тароман — карты Таро
australian animal

Характеристика Australian Animal Tarot — Таро Австралийских Животных

Авторы: Ann Williams-Fitzgerald, Tracy Hinschen
Художник: Tracy Hinschen
Издательство: AGMuller; U.S. Games Systems
Производство: Германия; США
Состав: 78 карт + книга на англ. языке
Язык карт: английский
Размер карт: 74 х 109 мм
Год: 2000, 2001
ISBN: 978-1572813236

Традиция: Уникальная
Младшие арканы: иллюстрации
Масти: жезлы (земля), чаши, мечи (огонь), пентакли (воздух)
Карты двора: Паж, Рыцарь, Дама, Король
Нумерация: Шут 0 Сила 11 Правосудие 8
Категория: животные

Исконно австралийское Таро, каждая из 78 карт в  Таро Австралийских Животных ассоциируется с определенным животным, птицей, рептилией и насекомым, и проиллюстрирована со множеством реалистичных деталей. Драгоценный камень и четыре ключевые слова взаимосвязаны с каждой картой. Элементы масти были также изменены — Жезлы стали Землей, Мечи теперь являются Огнем и Пентакли являются Воздухом.

Тароман — карты Таро

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Обзор Australian Animal Tarot — Таро Австралийских Животных

Таро Австралийских животных сочетает в себе структуры Таро с особой мудростью млекопитающих, птиц и других существ Австралии. Энн Фицджеральд Уильямс считает, что существует много всего, что мы можем узнать, открыв себя тому дару, который предлагают эти животные. В центре каждой карты нарисовано изображение животного, имя и ассоциативные эзотерические символы. В границы карты вписано  вверху название с номером и соответствующие кристалл или камень внизу. Надписи по обе стороны являются ключевым словам значений. Бордюр имеет  фиолетовый цвет на старших арканах, слегка отличного оттенка от младших арканов. Художница Tracy  Hinschen.  Таро Австралийских животных основано на другом 48-карточном оракуле Уильямс-Фитцджеральд и художницы Карен Осборн,  называемом «Мудрость Австралийских Животных» (Wisdom of the Australian Animals).

[Star] [6 of Wands]

Язык: English

Названия старших арканов:

Fool, Magician, High Priestess, Empress, Emperor, Hierophant,
Lovers, Chariot, Strength, Hermit, Wheel of Fortune, Justice,
Hanged Man, Death, Temperance, Devil, Tower,
Star, Moon, Sun, Judgement, World

Животные старших арканов:
Tasmanian Tiger, Australian Raven, Cat, Dugong (Sea Cow), Kangaroo, Wombat (Hairy-nosed),
Sugar Glider, Koala, Lizard/Gecko, Echidna, Beetle, Cockatook,
Moth/Catepillar, Spider, Kookaburra, Goanna, Bat,
Emu, Platypus, Peacock, Cassowary, Peace Dove

Масть земли — Animal Names:
Bandicoot, Dunnart (fat-tailed), Numbat, Potoroo, Camel, Bilby, Chicken (Woodhen), Praying Mantis,
Green Tree Python, Dragonfly, Green Ant, Australian Cattle Dog, Braham Cow, Brumby

Масть воды — Animal Names:
Dolphin, Australian Fur Seal, Jellyfish, Shark (Great White), Blue Ring Octopus, Mud Crab, Star Fish,
Giant Green Tree Frog, Humpback Whale (Albino), Manta Ray, King Penguin, Swan, Loggerhead Turtle, Sea Dragon

Масть воздуха — Animal Names:
Butterfly, Pelican (Australian), Golden Bowerbird, Willie Wagtail, Parrot, Brolga, Crow, Hawk/Falcon,
Wedgetail Eagle, Tasmanian Masked Owl, Superb Lyrebird, Brush Turkey, Australian Magpie, Seagull (Pacific)

Масть огня — Animal Names:
Tasmanian Devil, Aussie Bush Fly, Possum, Dingo, Bee, Fox/Flying Fox, Bush Thick-Knee Curlew,
Rabbit/Hare, Quoll (Native Tiger Cat), Orca Killer Whale, Mosquito, Saltwater Crocodile, Wasp, Scorpion

Масть: Fire (Wands), Water (Cups), Air (Swords), Earth (Pentacles)

Карты двора: King, Queen, Knight, Page

Joan Bunning, перевод rozamira

МБК значения: Australian Animal Tarot — Таро Австралийских Животных

Animals featured in AUSTRALIAN ANIMAL TAROT 
The 78 Animals

2. PARROT (Budgerigar) ~ Beauty; Foraging
3. ECHIDNA (Spiny Anteater) ~ Personal Boundaries; Comfort Zone; Single Mind
4. TASMANIAN DEVIL ~ Aggression; Determination
5. WOMBAT (Hairy-Nosed Wombat) ~ Survival; Tenacity
6. BEE ~ Builder; Worker; Service
7. CROW ~ Law; Council; Tools
8. PENGUIN (King Penguin) ~ Agility; Play
9. PLATYPUS ~ Camouflage; Timid
10. DUGONG (Sea Cow) ~ Sacred Gifts; Provider; Walk gently
11. FROG (Giant Green Tree Frog) ~ Cleansing; Emotional Healing
12. DUNNART (Fat-Tailed Dunnart) ~ Alertness; Scrutiny
13. CASSOWARY ~ Respect; Reputation
14. COCKATOO (Sulphur Crested) ~ Friendship; Self-esteem
15. BUTTERFLY ( Mountain Blue — Ulysses) ~ Transformation; Grace
16. GOANNA (Perentie) ~ Curiosity; Power
17. SEAL (Australian Fur Seal) ~ Adaptation; Contentment; Environment
18. RAVEN (Australian Raven) Magick; Mystery~
19. DOG (Australian Cattle Dog)~ Companionship; Loyalty; Smell
20. TASMANIAN TIGER ( Thylacine)~ Illusion; Elusiveness
21. BILBY (The Greater Bilby)~ Solitude; Conquering Fear
22. LIZARD/GECKO ~ Dreamtime; Letting Go
23. BANDICOOT~ Integrity; Mobility
24. POTOROO (Long-nosed Potoroo) ~ Discovery; Newness
25. CROCODILE (Saltwater) ~ Past Lives; Secrets; Watchfulness
26. SPIDER (Red Back Spider)~ Weaving; Interconnectedness
27. HAWK (The Black Kite) ~ Communication; Truth; Soul Healing
28. DINGO ~ Shadows; Deception; Intention
29. KOALA ~ Holding On; Selectiveness; Sharing
30. TURTLE (Loggerhead Turtle)~ Mother Earth; Healing Knowledge
31. MAGPIE (Australian Magpie)~ Protection; Swiftness
32. EMU ~ Attentiveness; Action
33. EAGLE (Wedgetail Eagle)~ Spirit; Spiritual Healing
34. DOLPHIN (Bottle-nosed) ~ Essence; Beginning; Chi
35. ANT (Green Tree Ant)~ Patience; Teamwork; Community
36. TURKEY (Brush Turkey) ~ Give-away; Sharing
37. BAT (The Greater Long-eared Bat)~ Renewal; Rebirth
38. BOWERBIRD (Golden Bowerbird)~ Attraction; Inquisitiveness
39. BROLGA ~ Dancing; Hypnotic
40. SNAKE (Green Tree Python)~ Transmutation; Life Force
41. WHALE (Humpback Whale)~ Keeper of Records; Memories
42. SUGAR GLIDER (Feather Tailed Glider)~ Faith; Trust
43. POSSUM (Ringtail Possum)~ Ego; Persistence
44. KANGAROO/WALLABY~ Abundance; Family
45. OWL (Tasmanian Masked Owl)~ Vision; Silence; Intuition
46. NUMBAT (Banded Anteater) ~ Preparedness; Gathering
47. LYREBIRD (Superb Lyrebird) ~ Imitation; Shyness
48. QUOLL (Native Tiger Cat — Western Quoll) ~ Intelligence; Fearless
49. MANTA RAY (Devil Fish)~ Ebb & Flow
50. CAT (Domestic) ~ Resourcefulness; Independence
51. DOVE~ Feminine Energy of Peace & Love; Prophecy
52. BRUMBY(Australian Wild Horse) ~ Power; Endurance; faithfulness
53. SEAGULL (Pacific Gull)~ Communicating with Deities; Responsibility
54. SHARK (The Great White)~ Remorselessness; Movement
55. PEACOCK ~ Representation of God; Yin Yang; Immortality
56. MOSQUITO ~ Irritation; Mutation
57. FLY (Aussie Bush Fly)~ Laziness; Breakdown
58. PRAYING MANTAS ~ Prayers; Stillness
59. SWAN (The Black Swan)~ Patience; Quiet Time; Divination
60. MUD CRAB ~ Sideway Movement; Protection of Home
61. CHICKEN (Woodhen)~ Pecking; Seeking; Inner Voice;
62. ORCA (Killer Whale) ~ Shadow Side; Acceptance; Soul Song
63. COW (Brahman)~ Great Mother Goddess; Alter to Danger
64. CAMEL ~ Vastness; Burdens
65. PELICAN ~(The Australian Pelican) Recovery from Loss; Control; Storage
66. RABBIT/HARE ~ Hidden Teachings; Humility
67. BEETLE (Christmas Beetle)~ Centre of Universe; Spiritual Enlightenment
68. WASP ~ Sisterhood; Female Warrior Spirit
69. CURLEW ~ (Bush Thick-kneed Curlew) Soul Lessons; Messenger of Change
70. SEA DRAGON ~ Fatherhood; Masculine Energy
71. MOTH/CATERPILLAR (Emperor Moth)~ Whirlwind energy; Confusion
72. STARFISH (The Blue Starfish)~ Regeneration; Connection to the stars
73. SCORPION ~ Transmutation of poisons; Reflections
74. OCTOPUS (Blue Ring) ~ Smoke Screen; Destroying Barriers
75. DRAGONFLY ~ Dreams; Seeing the Truth
76. WILLIE WAGTAIL ~ Protector; Relatives
77. JELLY FISH (Portuguese Man of War) ~ Entanglement; Pain
78. FOX/FLYING FOX ~ Shapeshifting; Stealth


The Major Arcana

The Major Arcana express universal themes and our journey through these major influences on our lives. 

The word arcana is the plural of arcanum which means profound secret. The Tarot cards are therefore a collection of the secrets of our universe. This Australian Animal Tarot explores these secrets of our universe through the messages of the Australian Animals. 
The 22 cards of the Major Arcana are the heart of the deck. 
Many interpreters view the Major Arcana as showing the different stages on an individual’s journey of inner growth — what some call the Fool’s Journey — I call it the Tiger’s Journey 

The Major Arcana — Spiritual (Purple)

Shape = teardrop

The Tasmanian Tiger experiences life as full and meaningful, his future is filled with infinite promise. In line with his personal calling, he becomes actively involved in the world and promoting world peace. He renders service by sharing his unique gifts and talents and finds that he prospers at whatever he attempts. Because he acts from inner certainty, the whole world conspires to see that his efforts are rewarded. His accomplishments are many. Tassie Tiger is our guide through the Major Arcana. 

0. The Tasmanian Tiger — (The Fool) TASMANIAN TIGER (Thylacine) ~ Illusion; Elusiveness 
The Journey — The unknown or unexpected — is it all an illusion?

If Tasmanian Tiger has materialized into your life you are being advised by ‘Spirit’ to act with caution, become a little illusive and don’t put yourself out there for everyone else too freely. Allow yourself to slip into the background and become invisible for a while. In other words, step back from the goings on around you and observe from the outside, looking in. This is a self protective move and may be necessary so that you can have some meditative time alone with your own thoughts. 

O. The Fool 

Filled with a sense of fun and adventure, the Fool arrives at a major karmic crossroads. Here and now, all things are possible. The lesson of The Fool is that every dream that is worthy of pursuit must begin with a leap of faith. 
Reversed — the Fool is an indicator of newness; as well as the purity and open-hearted energy of a child. This is generally considered a positive card, with the caveat that it’s important to take time to be sure that you are «looking where you’re going». In reversal, The Fool can show that there is a need for a new beginning, but that there is some hesitancy about making it happen. 
Thylacine teaches us to embrace and accept the unknown. Some mysteries we will never learn, and we have to let them go. In accepting the unknown and respecting that it should remain ‘unknown’, we let go, and our lives become more rich. Thylacine is the solitary hunter. He teaches us how to achieve our goals alone, but also teaches us to take joy in this solitude. Thylacine teaches us that some secrets need to stay hidden. Thylacine teaches us the opposite of opening up, he comes into our lives to teach us how to keep ourselves, or parts of ourselves hidden. As soon as we expose the parts of ourselves that need to remain hidden, we risk destroying them, and thylacine warns us against being too open, or being an ‘open-book’. 

1. The Cat — (High Priestess) CAT (Domestic) ~ Resourcefulness; Independence 
Wisdom & knowledge — seeing the unseen. Be on the lookout for more magic in your life.

The cat, a creature which combines a high degree of sensuality with a deeply psychic and spiritual nature, teaches us that the physical and spiritual worlds are not separate, but one. Cat is a popular totem as many of us bring their ancient presence into our hearts and homes. Here is the gift of psychic power, independence, intelligence and creativity. In dreams, cats teach us to believe in ourselves intuitively. The key is to further develop our feminine aspects as we gain greater understanding of the psyche. 

II. The High Priestess The High Priestess is the wise woman archetype. She is intuitive, intelligent, steadfast and patient. The lesson of the High Priestess is to look more deeply for the answer because the truth is not always what it first appears to be. 
Reversed -You may be finding it difficult to «hear» what your intuition is telling you. If that’s the case, it’s a clear signal to quiet down, spend some time in meditation, and spend some time alone. Try different approaches, including journaling, or even yoga or walking meditations. The information you seek is there. Trust yourself and your instincts. 
Cats are natural healers, guiding us to honour the mystery of life. Cat medicine is to see that magick is in the air. Magick, independence, clever, unpredictable, balance of energies and actions in life, mysteries will unfold in life if a cat has come around. Cat shows how to clarify perceptions which allows new ideas to manifest, encourages mental and emotional agility, aids in being resourceful and stealthy tactics, teaches courage and confidence. Do you need to be more independent? Are you using your resources the best of your ability? Is it time to start a new project? Cat will show how to continue the process of opening your intuition for soul growth.
If cat a glided past you today ‘Spirit’ is whispering to you that quite likely you were already a night person before you acquired the cat as your spirit helper, but if not, you will gain a new appreciation for the creative energy that can arrive after midnight. Your spirit journeys will enable you to maintain a careful balance so that your emphasis on an independent lifestyle and a quest for mystical truths do not cause you to develop a taste for the bizarre and occult, which can tempt you to detour from the true spiritual goal of your life-path. 

16 Bat — (Tower) BAT (The Greater Long-eared bat) ~ Renewal; Rebirth 
New life and new ways coming. The phoenix is about to rise out of the ashes. Shock and change.

If Bat has winged his way past you this day ‘Spirit’ is urging you to let go of the past and allow yourself to be reborn. You will go through many periods of renewal in life as new cycles are already waiting for you. Don’t be afraid to allow the changes to come into your life, and be willing to let go of what you no longer need as this is Spirit’s way of telling you that there is something greater awaiting your rebirth. Now is the time to take that next step to a new you! It may be a bit frightening to let something go but remember that the Australian bush needs a bushfire to allow new growth to come forth. Your bushfire is at hand, so fan it and encourage the flames so that you can speed on to your renewal. Meditation is a great way to get in touch with your inner guides, and is important for the renewal of self and self-love. 

XVI. The Tower The Tower need not be the omen of calamity and disaster as it is so often portrayed. Rather, it is a flash of truth that prepares the psyche for an inevitable change. The lesson of The Tower is to allow old patterns of behaviour to fall away.
Reversed — When the Tower shows in reverse, it is unfortunately still a possibility that some people/situations that you have counted on as being «there for you» may no longer be there in quite the same way. Try not to over-think this, it doesn’t have to indicate a major, horrible change in life. It’s just some change. Stay mindful of the reality that you either already have — or can get — all the resources you need, to deal with life and to do what you need to do. 
Bat tells us to quiet the mind and carefully listen within our hearts for a new voice of expression. Bat’s spirit reminds us that the past is no longer relevant. Now, we must release old habits and seek a different way of being. The key is to bring all things into balance. In this manner, bat shows us that positive change can be our soul’s greatest ally. 
Initiation, death-rebirth, changes are taking place which are blessings, facing facts in ones life, fears are always beneficial, trust instincts. Bat tells us it the end one phase of life and the beginning of another. Bat can show how to navigate in the dark and unknown. Soon you will see the world with a new perspective, teaches sensitivity to vibrations around you, navigation, introspection and demonstrates ability of observation and power of meditation and solitude along with ability of working in groups when necessary. Bat shows how to make those important transitions. 

17 Emu — (Star) EMU ~ Attentiveness; Action 
Hope and promise. Spirituality may need attention. Wandering spirit, acceptance, responsible fathering — Emu is the wanderer.

Emu’s wander alone, through the deserts & outback of Australia [the land downunder], till they come upon others of their own kind — all being accepted, no judgement or criticism when each moves on to another flock in divine timing. The males care for the young & are dedicated fathers 

XVII. The Star 
The Star is the perfect symbol of hope, joy and good health. It indicates that whatever we begin at this moment in time will have import far into the future. The lesson of The Star is to know that we are protected on our spiritual path. 
Reversed — The Star reversed is still a good omen. Look hard at what you are feeling and discern whether, if you looked a little deeper, you could find reasons to be more optimistic and helpful. When this card appears in reverse, often we are tending to look on the darker side. Lift up your eyes! If you are drawing breath, there is always something you can be thankful for. 
The emu teaches us about freedom, its positive and negative aspects and helps us attain quality of life. Because they don’t live a long life the emu holds the teachings of youth and innocence and reminds us to maintain a light heart and a playful spirit. 
If Emu is striding past you, ‘Spirit’ is asking you to be attentive to the family of man. It may be time for you to bring action in to see what you can do to assist your fellow man. Remember to follow through and complete all tasks you set out with today. You have a tendency of being a ‘Gonna’. In other words «One day I will do that» but never do! 
*Gonna = Australian slang for ‘going to do something but never do’, all talk and no action. 

The Minor Arcana

While the Major Arcana express universal themes, the Minor Arcana bring those themes down into the practical arena to show how they operate in daily events. The Minor Arcana cards represent the concerns, activities and emotions that make up the dramas of our everyday lives. 
There are 56 cards in the Minor Arcana divided into four suits: Wands, Cups, Swords and Pentacles. Each of these suits stands for a particular approach to life. For the purpose of the Australian Animal Tarot Deck the four suits we will be working with are Water (Blue — Emotional), Earth (Green — Mental), Fire (Red — Physical) & Air (Yellow — Material) 

WATER — Blue (Cups) — Emotional

shape = heart

The Water (Blue) is the suit of emotions and spiritual experience. It describes inner states, feelings and relationship patterns. The energy of this suit flows inward. Cups correspond to the Yin, or feminine principle in Chinese philosophy and are associated with the element Water. The ability of water to flow and fill up spaces, to sustain and to reflect changing moods makes it the ideal symbol of this suit of the emotions. 

Ace 1. DOLPHIN (Bottle-nosed) ~ Essence; Beginning; Chi 
New relationship — love affair, unconditional love. A ring.

Dolphin opens new creative dimensions, curiosity, trust playfulness, breath and water needed for life, teaches how to be free, maneuverability, wisdom, harmony with surroundings, needs balancing, shows proper use of sounds and prayers, communication abilities, teaches trust and shows the power of rhythm and emotions may need some fresh air to release tensions, newness and joy. Are you calling to bring forth your wants and desires? Are you voicing and expressing your creative self? What are your words, thoughts and actions creating? Dolphin reminds us to balance work and play and let loose of tensions.
If Dolphin has frolicked his way into your life, ‘Spirit’ is advising you to get in contact with your inner self, your true essence of being. Dolphin reminds you to respond to the Universal flow. Allow yourself to remember your beginnings, acknowledge that, as the Universe is within you, so you are also within it. For everything is made of Universal Energy. We are all energy as is everything around us. So be aware that as you do to something or someone else, so it is done to you. Remember today what you send out will come back tenfold. Do you want to receive what you sent out!. Bring yourself back to a state of Unconditional Love and gentleness in all your dealings. 
The ace of cups represents a raw force of emotion. It is up to the seeker to channel this energy into a relationship or some other creative venture. This card can also represent spirituality. It suggests allowing emotions to guide you and trust your feelings. A new love affair is on the way for the single person. Someone who is involved, expect a passionate renewal. This is a card of renewal for all things. Love in the purest sense. Pregnancy and birth. Following a higher calling. Divine intervention. 
Reverse — Loss of hop. Tiredness. Loneliness. Disappointment in love. Emotional instability. Barrenness. Stuck in an emotional rut. Sterility. Unrequited love. Clouded joy. Depression, feeling unwanted / need for balance. 

2. SEAL (Australian Fur Seal) ~ Adaptation; Contentment; Environment 
Romance and partnership. Passion and contentment — happy environment. Seals are more at home in the water, does not have external ears just small openings. This lends to hearing and balance of paying attention to the inner voice. Association with water which is the creative, feminine, imaginative. Helps the inner creative imagination and inspiration balance with outer realities. Movement, playful, busy, one needs balance. 
If Seal has popped up your way, ‘Spirit’ is asking you to acknowledge and be thankful for your surroundings. You enjoy life, you are contented and you have the unique ability to be adaptable to any environment you are placed in and so have the ability to turn any ‘house into a home’. What a truly wonderful gift that is! 
The Two of Cups represents harmony and balance in a relationship, or the hopeful stages of a new union. If the seeker is in a conflict, he or she should look for a truce for this is a time to connect. Partnerships, especially friendship and companionship. Dating and other social activities balance your life. Settle minor disputes and differences. Before you enter a relationship, you need to be clear about your wants and needs. An engagement or marriage. 
Reverse — An empty relationship. An incompatible combination. Fight. False promise. Betrayed confidence. Separation/divorce. Misunderstanding. 

10. MANTA RAY (Devil Fish)~ Ebb & Flow 
Love & Happiness — Good family. Flow with the universe.

If Manta Ray has glided into your life today, ‘Spirit’ is reminding you to go with the flow of life — you can afford to glide along. There is no longer a need to thrash about but instead sit still and wait, that very thing you need will gently float on up to you. But remember what you ‘want’ and what you ‘need’ are two very different things. 
Manta rays show how to maneuver with grace, style and elegance in the watery depths of emotions. Manta ray will teach the importance of undulating and persistent movements in life. He will demonstrate the importance of regularly cleaning and cleanliness; to clear and maintain the clutter at home and work, to clean, balance and center your emotional and spiritual beingness. Manta rays teach the art of camouflage and blending in. Are you acclimating to your surroundings? His adaptation abilities will aid in transitions. This is also a time to drink plenty of fresh water and pay attention to salt and overall food intake. Manta ray will show the balance of nutritional needs. Are you being too defensive or not being defensive enough? Have you started a new endeavor recently? He shows that in 2-4 months ideas will come to fruition and be alive with possibilities. Manta ray shows that movements in life must be balanced with sharp action and graceful tenacity. 
The Ten of Cups represents joy, peace and harmony in relationships; the seeker is in a stable and happy relationship. This is a time of abundant blessings. Joy in personal relationships. Permanent, enduring success and complete happiness. You are emotionally balanced. Domestic bliss. Gaining the respect of one’s community. 
Reverse — Problems at home. Family feuds. Loss of patience. Antisocial behaviour. Disappointment in social standing. Loss of friendship. Unhappiness. Rage. Difference of opinion 

King 14.SEA DRAGON ~ Fatherhood; Masculine Energy 
A bachelor who likes freedom. Fair eyed man professional man. Kind and considerate. An Aquarian energy.It is a time for gentle movements. Consider your day-to-day actions, are they rushed and fidgety? Do you rush your shower or bath? Do you rush your meals? Are you a quick walker and talker? Sea dragon quietly urges you to foster gentle movements. Consciously slow your walking, become more aware of your body and find ways for it to move which are both slow and comfortable for you. Sea dragon also teaches us — particularly those who identify as father figures — how to be gently masculine, or how to search out what it means to be a ‘gentle father.’ 
Sea dragon is a gentle and caring father, and imparts wisdom to those who wish to know how to accept and embrace aspects of fatherhood. Sea dragon can indicate a protective father figure is in your life at this time, assisting you, or that a protective father figure may be coming into your life soon. Alternatively, you may find that you are more protective towards yourself. 
He’s a spiritual person and/or leader, a great listener/psychologist type person who can be relied on for guidance. His profession reflects his nurturing aspects and compassion. His home is important to him. He is not a person who is all about the money; it is more important that he enjoys his work. He is somewhat of a romantic. He tends to rely too much on his feelings. He can be a man of mystery. Linked with water (Pisces, Cancer or Scorpio). 
Reversed — Dubious dealings. Illness. Injustice. A selfish man who lacks a sense of responsibility. Artistic temperament. Double-dealing. Scandal. Crafty person without values. 

FIRE — Red (Swords) — Physical

Shape = triangle

The Fire (Red) is the suit of intellect, thought and reason. It is concerned with the ideals of justice, truth and ethical principles. A cloudless sky, open and light-filled, is a symbol of the mental clarity that is the Fire ideal. This suit is also associated with states that lead to disharmony and unhappiness. Fire represents challenges that arise when clarity is absent. Fire represents our shadowside. 

2. FLY (Aussie Bush Fly) ~ Laziness; Breakdown 
You need to confront the issues NOW and have the courage to face things. 
The Fly teaches the ability to greatly multiply prosperity, endeavors and ventures at enormous rates. He shows how to be quick to act and respond to achieve results. Fly aids in demonstrating the power of keen eyesight along with expanding awareness in many directions. Although flies are known for carrying diseases in unfavorable surroundings, the lesson of fly is in the value of carrying your emotions, thoughts and feelings in order to act quickly in sometimes unfavorable or uncomfortable conditions. It takes about two weeks from hatching for new eggs to be laid, likewise, two weeks is significant in one’s personal development. Are you ready for quick and abrupt changes? Are you ready to move quickly? Fly will show how to make quick changes for rapid growth. 
The Two of Swords represents a stalemate. The seeker is in a situation where there is a tense balance and needs to make a choice and upset that balance in order to escape the situation. This could be because the seeker is not willing to accept some truth about themselves or the situation. You are at an impasse, immobilized by your fears. You are stuck at a fork in the road and don’t know which way to go. Stalling in hopes the best choice will become obvious. Ignoring a problem won’t make it go away. You will have to make a decision sooner of later. Balanced force. Harmony. 
Reverse — movement. Deceit. Vulnerable to misleading information. Misrepresentation. False friends. Lies. 
Fly lets you know that you’re probably annoying others at this time. Behaviours like narcissism and arrogance are also indicated. Your importance in your ecosystem (both in nature and with those around you that are friends / family etc.) is not disputed, but your attitudes regarding that importance, or behaviours, are potentially putting people off. 
We hit different peaks in our lives, peaks of self-loathing, and the peaks of self-importance and arrogance. It is through these peaks and understanding what motivates them that we can actually reach an equilibrium that respects the self and others with a sense of balance. 

6. FOX /FLYING FOX ~ Shapeshifting; Stealth 
A journey to calm troubled waters is indicated. Use stealth on this journey. Shapeshifting may be called for. 
Fox is skilled and ingenious, cunning, a new world and creative process opening up, look in between yourself and others (physically, mentally, spiritually), teaches gentleness, swiftness and persistence, courage, power of observation, good eating habits and taking care of health concerns, shift awareness to feminine energies for balance. Fox can teach you how to walk in both worlds and in between since he is the master of camouflage and shape-shifting and walking the spaces in between. Are you in harmony with your surroundings? Blending in with others? It is a time to be careful and discriminating, aware of your communication abilities, and to be alert to your surroundings. Fox teaches how to be still and silent and all the qualities of patience.
When flying fox energy is in your life, all aspects of community come into sharp focus. Flying fox challenges you to fix or work on expanding your inter-relationships with others, and demands increased socialising so that you may nourish yourself by surrounding yourself with many different energies. Flying fox draws your attention to all facets of personal health. It is time to look at your every day diet and look at ways of changing it to make it better nourish your body and spirit. It may involve purchasing more organic foods, it may involve eating less unhealthy fats, growing your own vegetables, or even booking in to see a nutritionist. If you put unhealthy foods into your body, you get unhealthy results. Flying fox asks you to nourish yourself physically in a way that is healthy and rewarding. 
The Six of Swords represents a calmer times after turbulence — a period of recovery. This card suggests that the seeker is moving away from conflict either emotionally or physically. Change is coming for the better. Attempt at escaping problems. A headstrong attempt to overcome difficulties. This is a turning point. Your situation improves. Seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Restrictions ease. A passage away from danger. An attempt to improve circumstances. Success after anxiety. Represents travel and movement, especially across water or abroad. 
Reverse — Solutions are still elusive. Feeling despondent and powerless to affect change. Being caught in a vicious cycle of worry. Delay in travel. Dealing with unsolicited advances and harassment. Stalemate. Unwanted proposal. 

7. CURLEW (Bush Thick-knee Curlew) ~ Soul lessons; Messenger of Change 
Use prudence in your dealings today. You need to learn how to say NO without feeling guilty. You are trying to do too much. 
Despite their ungainly appearance and habit of freezing motionless, Curlew are sure-footed, fast and agile on the ground, and although they seldom fly during daylight hours, they are far from clumsy in the air; flight is rapid and direct on long, broad wings. Curlew is asking you to slow down, take time to weigh up the situation, someone is not telling you the whole story. Protect your possessions.
The Seven of Swords signifies that the seeker must use tact instead of directly confronting his or her opponent. The seeker must also be careful whom he or she trusts. This card can also be a sign that the seeker is running from something, which might make the situation worse. Don’t allow others to take advantage of you. Protect your possessions because someone might be out to rip you off. Mistrust and unnecessary secrecy is likely to lead to isolation and paranoia. Inspiration. Enthusiasm. A new direction and purpose. Recent events bring brighter days. Instilling hope and faith. New plans. Perseverance. Confidence. 
Reverse — Poor advice. Lack of support. Underestimating skills. Discouraging remarks fuel your determination. Arguments. Slander. 

Knight 12. CROCODILE (Saltwater) ~ Past Lives; Secrets; Watchfulness 
There is a spy around you watching and waiting to create chaos. An enemy from the past.

Creation/destruction, birth/death, beginning of a new period and the death of the old, knowledge is transformed by a new level of growth, hidden wisdom awaits. Crocodile can teach you ancient knowledge that is currently hidden and gives strength to create your own opportunities. These guardians and protectors of wisdom will show how to move in the waters of the Self. Are you seeing things as they are and not what they appear to be? Are you consumed by the knowledge you are becoming unbalanced with meditation and quiet time? Crocodile’s breathing awareness will help in balancing out transformations.
The Knight of Swords charges forward, conquering everything in his path. He’s not afraid to ride into the eye of the storm. He is brave and aggressive and stands up for his beliefs. A determined young man who bravely faces opposition. A champion of human rights. There might be a need for a mental/physical show of strength. Focus on making your point. Be careful not to be headstrong or too aggressive. It’s time to stop talking and start doing. There may be a whirlwind of social activity and a sudden positive surge in your work (creative lightning strikes). 
Reverse — Incapacity. Imprudence. Dispute or ruin due to a woman. Impulsive mistakes. Conceited. A rash young man who enjoys conflict. Smug, chauvinist fool. Holds little opinion of others, especially women. 
If Crocodile has been silently watching you ‘Spirit’ is asking you to look at your secrets that haven’t seen the light of day. It is now time to shed light on them and to allow those hidden parts of you to be revealed. Allow the aspects of your past lives to illuminate your lessons, so as to ensure the certainty of your spiritual growth. Learn from Crocodile and be open enough to accept the truth and learn your lessons so that you may evolve into a more enlightened being and release the Karma from your ancestral body. 

AIR — Yellow (Pentacles) — Material

Shape = circle 
The Air (Yellow) is the suit of practicality, security and material concerns. It is associated with concrete requirements of working with matter. In Air, we celebrate the beauty of Nature, our interactions with plants and animals and our physical experiences within the body. Air also represents prosperity and wealth of all kinds. Sometimes this suit is called the Coins, an obvious symbol of the exchange of goods and services in the physical world. 

Four Pentacles [AIR] 4. WILLIE WAGTAIL ~ Protector; Relatives 
Don’t be over protective of your money — put it out and let it work for you. 
Willie wagtail hops into your life to remind you to be cheerful! Much nourishment can come from taking the time to present yourself as cheerful and gregarious to others, even if you’re not particularly feeling either. Willie wagtail also comforts with the knowledge that when you reach out to others with cheerfulness, others will often reach out with the same warmth and a smile. Willie wagtail challenges people to guard their space and their territory effectively. Do you let others walk all over you? Do you leave your home open for all to stay with you, even though you need your own space? Do you never use aggression in your search for time to yourself. Willie wagtail’s scolding energy encourages you to start erecting some boundaries! Maybe if you had more space to yourself, and time to recharge, you might be a happier and friendlier person like the territorial Willie wagtail. 
If the seeker does not risk something, he or she will make no gains. This card also deals with issues of ownership, possessiveness, jealousy and opposition to change. Your fixed ideas are holding you back from fulfilment. Don’t be too scared to change. You believe a certain amount of selfishness concerning your time and financial resources are needed to build a solid foundation. Financial stability. A commercial endeavour. Spending money on luxury items. Basing your identity on material goods. A show of wealth. 
Reverse — Modest ambition. Reluctance to take risk. Playing it safe. Overburden of responsibility. A need to be in control breeds resentment. Setbacks in material holdings. Spendthrift. 
Willie wagtail teaches us that it’s okay to be territorial. In addition, it is time to acknowledge the ways in which you effectively maintain your space and/or home, and look at other ways you can protect yourself and make your living space more appealing and uplifting to you. If your home space can be made into a space that you love and that rewards you with happiness or positive memories, then you will leave that space feeling more well-disposed towards the world around you. 

Six Pentacles [AIR] 6. BROLGA ~ Dancing; Hypnotic 
Share your gifts with others. Remember to dance and enjoy life. 
If Brolga has danced into your life,’Spirit’ is asking you to look within and express your own creativity and to be prepared to allow the soul to dance. Be confident that ‘Spirit’ has given you all the tools you need for your own self-expression. Be prepared to allow self-love to enter your life and stop being so critical of yourself. We are perfect as we are, no matter what others think. Express yourself and be prepared to allow your hypnotic rhythms of creativity to enhance your life once more. Utilize the gifts you already have. Romance may be heading your way today. 
After the loss depicted in the five of pentacles, the six comes as a godsend. The six of pentacles represents a benevolent person who is generous enough to help the seeker out financially. (On the flip side, however, this could also mean that the seeker has been able to help someone else out.) Generosity, gratitude, charity and kindness. Worthwhile ideas are rewarded with bonus or raise. Financial assistance could be on the way. A burden is lifted. Sharing one’s good will and knowledge. Lucrative business transaction. 
Reverse — Accumulating debts. Mishandling money. Underhanded dealings. Theft. Greed. Exploitation. Selfishness. Envy. 
Brolga energy is able to evoke the wisdom of storytelling. Many stories, particularly Indigenous stories and fairytales, share the wisdom of the land in a simple and straightforward way. Through stories about the creation of the earth and animals, and stories about our ancestors, we can come to understand how to conduct ourselves in this lifetime, we can also learn how to find a more enriching lifestyle through stories and words. Consider telling any personal stories to others, your own life; alternatively, read up and learn about stories of cultures and peoples that you are interested in. The ‘storyteller’ archetype is highlighted by Brolga energy, and you may also find that someone has come into your life who is sharing stories with you that you can learn a lot from. 

Eight Pentacles [AIR] 8. HAWK ~ Communication; Truth; Soul Healing

Work and recognition is indicated. Talking your talk as well as walking your walk is important here. 
Hawk teaches visionary power and clear sight with strong observation habits while using patience. He is a sign showing how to ride the winds of change, creativity amid the power to surrender oneself to Spirit’s guidance. Hawk clarifies reality and reiterates that one is on the correct life path. He aids in truth and illumination, gives a sense of guardianship and watchfulness and reiterates wise and important of opportunities are opening up. His swiftness, wisdom, leadership and strength in actions will guide with honor, integrity with grace and beauty. He will show how to see more in life from a higher perspective of truth. Hawk will show you how to fulfill your soul’s purpose. Be ready for a greater intensity to life for Hawk will guide you in the mind, body and spiritual aspects of your journey. The eight represents the apprentice or the enthusiastic student, who pursues his or her work with the sheer joy of loving what he or she is doing. It emphasis that hard labour will bring its own rewards. It also suggests the need for meticulous attention to detail. You may be in the apprentice stage but you are learning quickly through more education and experience. You can turn a hobby into a career. Enjoying work brings its own rewards. 
Reverse — Dreading work. Felling trapped, unmotivated and despondent. Disappointed. An unfulfilling profession. Producing poor work. Exploitation. Lack of ambition. Vanity.
If hawk has focused on you ‘Spirit’ is urging you to listen to the messages he has sent your way. But remember he may have hidden the message in the trees, rocks or leaves, listen to the wind for the messages that may be carried within. The important message that Spirit sends is that he is with you , within all, and is always there. You will receive news today of great importance to you. Welcome this news knowing the Spirit has sent it. 

Queen Pentacles [AIR] 13. MAGPIE (Australian Magpie) ~ Protection; Swiftness 
Dark eyed woman who is generous of self. She will offer protection and guidance. Pisces influence. 
Proper use of knowledge, intelligence, use what you have, chances for advancement with knowledge. 
If Magpie has swooped your way, ‘Spirit’ is asking you to call on your swiftness of decision making. You have the ability to be a person who gets the job done quickly, «come on, lets get on with it». You can be an action kind of person. Also Magpie is warning you that today, you will need to be acutely aware of the goings on around you. Be watchful and careful. Be protective of self and your possessions. Magpies are extremely vocal especially in groups. They help those with this medicine learn how to use their voice to attract attention, attain desired goals as well as acquire respect from others. This applies only if this medicine is developed sufficiently. Otherwise the voice and its expression may need improvement for positive results to be obtained. Proper communication is one of the lessons that needs to be learned by magpie medicine people . The Queen of Pentacles represents Mother Earth, procreating, nurturing and protective aspects of motherhood. She uses her power to help those less fortunate. An advocate. Charitable. Rules home and office. She is a practical go-getter. Your seeking creating and practical solutions and plans to business and family matters. 
Reversed — Suspicion and fear. Sensing a threat to one’s security. Not comfortable relying on others. Obsession with money. Unscrupulous behaviour. False prosperity. Neglected responsibilities. Vicious person. Fear of failure. 

EARTH — Green (Wands) — Mental

Shape = square

The Earth (Green) is the suit of creativity, action and movement. It is associated with such qualities as enthusiasm, adventure, risk-taking and confidence. Earth corresponds to the Yang, or the masculine principle. Sometimes this suit is called rods. 

8. PRAYING MANTAS ~ Prayers; Stillness 
Restless — you want to be up and doing and moving. Take some time for stillness and connect to Spirit with your prayers.

Praying Mantis: Power of calmness, stillness, silence, time of meditation, inner reflection, stillness in healing or in creativity, teaches how to manipulate surroundings with skill, direct the body’s energy to empower the body. Are you taking some quiet time for yourself? Are you being patient with those around you? Are you moving toward your goals? However slow it may take, patience and perseverance is the key. Are you allowing the time to stop and pause in between tasks? Are listening carefully to yourself, others and your surroundings — in other words are you paying attention? Praying Mantis can teach you how to balance these energies. 
The Eight of Wands represents motion and activity — now is the time to get moving! The seeker’s plans are put in motion, or the seeker is taking part in the plans laid by others. This action will also be bringing these events to a close. This card also marks the arrival of news, which could be disguised. The end of a period of stagnation and delay. A flurry of activity. An opportunity to prove yourself. The beginning of an adventure that tests your limits. New ideas. Good news is heading your way in all forms of communication. 
Reverse — Getting carried away with excitement. Rushing into a relationship. Not thinking of the consequences of your actions. Short-living pleasures. Jealousy. Domestic quarrels. 

9. SNAKE (Green Tree Python) ~ Transmutation; Life Force 
Shed your old ways. You will need courage and strength in this time of transmutation and shedding of your old skin.

Hermes / Thoth / Caduceus / Orboras / Uraeus — the snake is the ancient sign & symbol of healing & alchemy. Peeling away that which hinders or restricts our growth. Kundalini energy at the base of the spine, is depicted in the Caduceus, which shows the yin/yang twin snakes of Ida & Pingali entwined around the staff of Hermes, crossing at the chakras to sprout wings of enlightenment at the 3rd eye. Speed, agility, rebirth, creativity, wisdom. Acceptance of yourself as a universal being. 
Rebirth, wisdom, fluidity, wholeness, transmutations, sexuality, look for transitions, changes and new opportunities. Creative forces are awakening with heightened intuition. Snake can teach about shedding what is not needed; perceptions, attitudes, ideals. Snake shows how to access vitality, ambitions and dreams along with intellect and personal power. What things are surfacing that you need to strike out and take advantage of? Perhaps a time to rest and reflect? Listen to your intuition and visions at this time.
The Nine of Wands signifies that even though obstacles may seem overwhelming, the seeker must continue to push toward his or her goal, but do so carefully because there is a possibility of injury either physically, spiritually or emotionally. One last test or challenge remains. Preparing for upheaval and conflict. Outwitting an adversary. Gain the advantage by putting your affairs in order before trouble strikes. Start planning your course of action. A minor setback due to miscommunication. Once the obstacle is overcome, you are home free. Hidden enemies. Expectation of difficulties. 
Reverse — unheeded warnings. Hardship and fights. Confusion. Being caught off-guard. Avoidable losses. Obstacles. Delays. Ill health. 
If snake has slithered past you, you are being asked by ‘Spirit’ to shed your old ways and transmute into the NEW YOU. The life-force is within you, allow it to show you the way to let go and move on to your new beginnings. A new cycle is about to begin and your new growth is here at hand. Embrace the wisdom snake has brought your way. It may be time to move house, change jobs or change your hair style. 

10. DRAGONFLY ~ Dreams; Seeing the Truth 
The fulfilment of your dreams is at hand. Your burdens have been solved and it is time to see the truth — your truth not anothers.

Dragonfly/Damselfly brings lightness of body, expression of emotional and mental aspects, fresh air and a new perspective will come soon, allows your inner light to shine through. Teaches a mastery of moving quickly with precision, breaks down illusions, heightens visual depth and aids in changes that are swift with emphasis on the emotions and un/subconscious. Are you seeking out pieces of your life that need changing? Dragonfly will aid in this search.
The Ten of Wands signifies that the seeker must be careful not to be overcome by his or her work or success. His or her work is threatening to consume the seeker’s life. It might be time to lighten up some. This card may also signify a time when you have to step up and take on more responsibility because you are the only one who can. Over all, this card indicates that life is a struggle now; delegate where you can. This is the card of a workaholic, someone on a mission. Feeling pressured. Overburdened. You certainly can handle all you are doing but if it becomes too much, don’t be afraid to delegate. Most of your burdens are self-imposed. Make time to relax. Problems soon to be resolved. Striving to meet a goal or maintain a certain level. 
Reverse — Self-defeat. Learning the hard way that there is no short cut to success. Succumbing to temptation. Difficulties. Some losses will occur. 

Queen 13 COW (Brahman) ~ Great Mother Goddess; Alter to Danger 
Dark eyed woman — who is a helpful friend, this one is very earthy and well grounded. 
Cows can teach us about the home and community and the joy, contentment therein. Cows aid us in realizing to be easy going and live in the moment. They show us about love and connections at work and home. Cow also may demonstrate how to eat properly. Are eating enough fruits and vegetables? Are you happy at home? Cow can teach how to make those changes that are needed to balance to the joy in your surroundings.. 
She is business-like and exuberant about all she does. She is never at a loss for energy. She can be a drama queen but that is because she is passionate about what she believes in. She can be temperamental. Linked to the element of fire (Aries, Leo or Sagittarius). She represents independent thought, the strength of conviction and a love of nature, generosity, learning, courage and leadership. You are focused on work and/or your spiritual growth. You are filled with new ideas and anxious to act on them. It could also be an older woman who either helps or interferes depending on surrounding cards. 
Reverse — Jealousy. Deceit. Possible infidelity. Unstable emotions. Fickle. Resistance. Opposition. Possessiveness. Invasion of privacy. Withholding knowledge. Dashing other’s dreams.

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