Fifth Tarot — Пятое Таро | Энциклопедия карт Таро и оракулов Rozamira

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Fifth Tarot — Пятое Таро

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Характеристика Fifth Tarot — Пятое Таро

Оригинальное название: The Fifth Tarot. Restoring the Fifth Element: Fire, Water, Air, Earth, and Ether 

Официальный сайт: www.thefifthtarot.comThe Fifth Tarot

Автор: Martien Bakens, Teressena Bakens
Художник: Teressena Bakens
Издательство: Blue Dolphin Publishing
Производство: США
Состав: 96 карт + 352 стр. книга на англ. языке
Язык карт: английский
Размер карт: 8,9 х 12,7 см
Год: 2008
ISBN: 978-1577332213

Традиция: Уникальная
Младшие арканы: иллюстрации
Масти: огонь, раковины, перья, камни, лотосы (fire, shells, feathers, stones, and lotuses.)
Карты двора: Искатель, Посвященный, Ученик и Факир
Нумерация: Шут 0 Сила 8 Правосудие 11
Категория: дополнительная масть — эфир (Лотос), мультикультурная

Очень красочная колода, особенностью которой является дополнительная 5-я масть.

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Обзор Fifth Tarot — Пятое Таро

Уникальная новая колода появилась на рынке Таро — Пятое Таро. Необычной ее делает   добавление пятой масти — элемент эфира. С дополнительной мастью (называемой Лотос), общее число карт увеличено до 92. Все масти изображены с символами природных стихий: огонь, раковины, перья, камни и лотосы. Это подходящая колода для 21-го века, настроенная для подключения к планете Земля и пробуждения нашего сознания. Это сильная, но в то же время нежная, духовная колода, которая может пролить свет на решение более приземленных вопросов в нашей жизни. Созданный Martien и Teressena Bakens набор Пятого Таро, включающий красивую книгу и карты, опубликован Blue Dolphin Publishing. 

Карты размером 3,5 на 5 дюймов, ламинированные и крепкие, с рубашкой, на которой изображены четыре взаимосвязанные квадрата в шахматном порядке. Иллюстрации Teressena  четкие, красочные, мягкие и вдохновляющие. Изображения являются уникальными для этой колоды и ее целей, и это не клон Райдер-Уэйта. Поднимающая настроение, перспективная колода, идеально подходящая для медитации, а также гадания. 
Традиционные карты двора переименованы в Искателя, Посвященного, Ученика и Факира. Книга-компаньон «Пятое Таро: Восстановленный Пятый Элемент» является прекрасным руководством к этой замечательной колоде. Она полностью проиллюстрирована черно-белыми изображениями каждой карты. Подробные описания и объяснения символизма для каждой карты помогут читателю понять  образы. 
Рамки Старших Арканов содержат четыре символа: планетарные или астрологические символы, символ звезды (представляющих Дух и универсальные законы Вселенной), Символ майя и священный символ MU. Все они описаны в приложении. Все описания карт включают раздел  гадательных значений, а также практического применения для использования энергии каждой карты в нашей повседневной жизни. 
Я рекомендую эту колоду для всех, кто интересуется Таро. Это новый, свежий и уникальный способ видения и работы с Таро. Колода таро, которая будет интересна для изучения и медитации. С этой колодой вы захотите и играть, и работать!  обзор, перевод rozamira

Обзор IrinaTarot

Колода The Fifth Tarot заинтересовала меня наличием пятой масти. И так как я давний поклонник китайской метафизики, где всё строится на взаимодействии 5 элементов, я не могла пропустить такой редкий и интересный экземпляр в многообразии колод таро.

Символ, нарисованный на рубашке всех 92 карт этой колоды — квинконс.  Это серия взаимосвязанных квадратов с квадратом посредине, символизирующем нашу способность перейти от 4 аспектов нашего существования к пяти, означая, что мы все обладаем четырьмя элементами (обозначенными квадратами в четырех направлениях), но без пятого элемента (эфир, в позиции центрального квадрата) нет жизненной силы. 
Как старинный символ Алхимии, взаимосвязанный символ квинконс представляет, что единое целое больше, чем сумма его частей. Это символ единства, идущего из источника. Столько указаний есть на 5 элементов и целостность, что в общем-то имеет смысл то, что может быть 5 мастей вместо четырех.
В символике мастей этой колоды — природные элементы, а не что-то, что сотворил человек — нет здесь ни мечей, ни копий, ни других символов оружия.  Для мастей  в колоде The Fifth Tarot выбраны огонь, ракушки, перья, камни и лотосы. Они подчеркивают и усиливают наше единство с природой и поддерживают Эпоху Мира.
В настоящий момент на нашем форуме проходит акция на этой колоде.Присоединяйтесь!

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МБК значения: Fifth Tarot — Пятое Таро

The Fifth Tarot by Teressena Bakens and Martien Bakens

You are being asked to follow your intuition.  Now is not the time for logic or a rationalization of your choices and actions.  Let go of preconceived ideas and expectations.  With innocence and joy, follow your heart’s desire.  It will be a time of new beginnings.  You are being asked to joyfully embrace the curves life throws you.

The Magician brings the message of self-mastery. He teaches us how to create our own reality and manifests that which is for the highest good. He uses his power in positive ways. With clear intent he directs his thoughts to take form. He teaches us to use our gifts and powers wisely. The Magician suggests it is time to focus your will and intent into action.

The High Priestess uses her sacred path to show a line of possibilities to the seeker who comes to her asking for help. Her quiet attitude instills peace in the seeker and has the ability to extend that peace to the surroundings. When she shows in your reading allow yourself the space to enter into the mysteries of the sacred by going deeper within. Be receptive to your intuition and open to become the divine vessel that you are.

The Empress asks you to work with the aspects of love, compassion, and nurturing of the Mother. The Empress also asks you to honor your sexuality and creativity. She reflects the importance of beauty in your life. You are being reminded of your interdependence and connection to all that is. The Empress speaks of abundance and suggests a time of ease, grace and being in the flow of creation.

With the Emperor you are being asked to step into the strength of the Divine Masculine. Accept your responsibilities and let benevolence and love be the motivation of right action. Be sure that your choices are in your highest good and support the highest good of all concerned. The Emperor as the essence of the Divine Father, fosters space and freedom to live and grow in peace and harmony.

When the Shaman appears, he asks some important questions about the traditions you are upholding in your life. He uses his abilities to create ceremonies that give expression to the sacred mysteries, to transform and heal. He also speaks of the importance of community. Now is a good time to enter into community projects, locally or globally.

The Lovers indicate it is a time of sacred union. This may mean balancing the masculine and femine energies within yourself. It may mean sacred union with the self and the divine, or within a relationship. If the latter this is not to be taken lightly. It usually refers to marriage or a relationship where there is a commitment to one another. Wherever your path leads, the bliss you radiate has the ability to help others recognize that love within themselves.

Triumph is at hand. You are reminded to use your will power, determination and perseverance to ensure success. Opportunities lie ahead. Use your strength for the betterment of all and the blessings of the Charioteer will be great. Know that through your honor and your actions the divine breath is the wind at your back propelling you forward.

You are being ask to draw from your inner strength in all that you do. Strength is unlimited, when one draws from the reserves of all the elements. This is a card of birth and rebirth, of creating, sustaining and supporting all life. You are being assisted in finding the strength to heal any issues at this time, bringing balance and a state of well being. With this new strength of healthy mind, body and spirit, you will be successful in whatever you do.

This is a time to retreat and go within. It also suggests a time for healing. Clearing any unresolved issues on an emotional level will remove anything that may be clouding your vision. With balanced emotions, the Hermit teaches you how to respond rather than react to whatever you encounter on your path. Now is not the time for new projects. The Hermit invites you to come home within yourself and remember the innate wisdom that is with you always. By simply living your truth you inspire others to do the same.

This card means change is in the air. It signals the ending of one cycle and the beginning of another. When the Wheel of Fortune connects with the Universal Law of Karma, remember that ‘what goes around, comes around’. Know your destiny is shaped by the choices you make. Be aware of the consequence of your actions. The card generally refers to good fortune. This may mean good health and prosperity, or an abundance of love, joy and beauty in your life.

You are asked to see if your life is in balance. Justice will assist you in smoothing out any legal matters at this time, re-establishing order and harmony in your life. This may extend to relationships as well. Do not let emotions interfere with honest assessment of what is occurring in your life. Respect and communication are in arbitrating differences and creating peace. Justice reminds you to always live your truth.

You are in a good position to see the truth in all things. You have a great capacity to go beyond the ordinary perceptions of existence and open to multi-dimentional gifts and understandings. Your peaceful actions actions become the example and you lead with impeccability. Choosing freedom from difficulty and embracing all with gratitude creates flow in your life. Things seem to take care of themselves when you step out of the way.

The Death card is one of great potential. As it represents death of the ego, it symbolizes a time of transformation. As this is the key to the Death card, let go of any fears in your mind and open your heart to love. Death of the ego brings you safe passage into the realms of higher consciousness. This may also signify something coming to an end. As Death is a natural part of the cycle of life, it indicates both an ending and a beginning. It is best not to resist but to allow Death to take its course.

The Alchemy card invites you to blend the energies at hand to bring out the best in whatever you direct your attention towards. Although there are no boundaries to the possibilities with this card, as grandmother used to say, ‘Too much of anything except love, isn’t good’. In balance lies the secret. The Alchemy card is reminding you to keep all aspects of your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual being, as well as your masculine and femine sides, in balance.

With the Shadow card, you are asked to look at the darker aspects of your nature. Bringing your deepest fears to light allows you to release what is blocking you from moving forward. However uncomfortable it may be to see your Shadow self, doing so offers great insight and positive energy for true transformation of the self. It asks you to forgive yourself for your short-comings and free yourself from any shame or guilt. It is time to reconcile with your inner self and recognize the bright light that you are.

The Tower card brings a time of change and upheaval. It may be great or small, depending on you and your willingness to let down your guard. As you allow the walls of your own making to crumble and fall, you begin to understand your true crystalline nature as a being of light. Like a bolt of lightning, a moment of illumination strikes, freeing you from your self-imposed prison. Now is the time to awaken to the truth of who you truly are.

The Star offers you hope and inspiration, and creates new beginnings for you that are unlimited in potential Your dreams will be realized with the promise of the Star. Use your light and radiance to shine the light of truth in all you do.  Use your gifts and talents to be of service to the greater good. In so doing, a new star is born that lights the darkness for others to see.

The Moon brings a time of tranquility and peace that comes from the joy of be-ing. It asks you to explore the depth of your inner world. It offers a time for retreat, rest and sleep. Your visions, insight and dreams are very powerful, and the veil between the real and unreal becomes less visible. Your healing gifts are manifest and become stronger by being in nature. Clairaudient and clairsentient abilities may reach new levels for you as you master your diverse emotional aspects. The energy of the Moon asks you to become the fullest expression of yourself.

When the Sun appears, let your light shine. Share your gifts and talents and radiate the light of the Divine. This is the time of great energy and power for you. You can use this energy in a leadship role, aligning your free will with divine service. Let the warmth of the Sun add to your warmth and compassion. The energy of the Sun manifests that which is life-giving in your life.

This card falls under the Universal Law of Judgment. It is important to use discernment to recognize the true from the false. Be aware of your surroundings, what is real and what is unreal. The Realization card speaks to you of an awakening on your spiritual path. Get ready to be ‘bitten by the serpent’. meaning a moment of enlightenment will make the next step on your path more clear. The benevolent Divine bestows wisdom and blessings on all who see the path of truth and enightenment.

Trust the Universe to assist you in all your endeavors. Abundance and grace flow to you and from you. Allow the energies of the cosmic consciousness to permeate your being. Doing so, your love will be exponential, your compassion flawless. Others notice your gifts and listen to what you have to share, gaining illumination on their path. The Spiritual Law of Future Sight is the influence for this card, indicating you are in the position of a true visionary.

One of Fire
This card signals a time of creativity and passion. This energy can be intense, so be sure to find positive ways to give it expression. The One of Fire indicates a time of heightened sexuality as well. In relationships your passion can lead to pure bliss, when you understand how to use this potent sexual energy in the alchemy of sacred union.

Two of Fire
The Two of Fire is about choices and power. it is a call to action. Do not deliberate or postpone action or decisions. Recognize your strengths and capabilities and make your choices with confidence. Whatever you choose at this time will be highly charged and bring great rewards. Remember the teaching of the ‘give-away’ and share your abundance with others.

Three of Fire
The Three of Fire asks you to get out of any rut you may be in by opening up to your more spontaneous side. The card asks you to step away from familiar expectations or patterns and use your gifts to shine and be brighter every day.

Four of Fire
Th Four of Fie indicates you are in healthy surroundings for change. The fact that the Four of Fire deals with fireflies (flies that are not really flies, and fire that is not really fire) suggests you may have to look at things in different ways. When you present your new ideas, they will now fall on ears that hear and minds that comprehend.

Five of Fire
When the Five of Fire flares up, get ready for powerful shifts in energy to occur. These energetic shifts create major opportunites for transformation in your life, making way for new visions of the world in which you live.

Six of Fire
The Six of Fire brings you assistance from the higher realms of light. Now is a prosperous and harmonious time. When you hold your ideals in the highest light, anything that is not falls away. This is the light that warms the hearth of your home and the love in your relationships.

Seven of Fire
With the Seven of Fire, you are about to feel a sudden burst of new-found energy. Be prepared to experience powerful activations within your physical and spiritual body as you move forward. These may bring sudden changes in sleeping patterns, eating habits and areas of interest.

Eight of Fire
The Eight of Fire brings release to the powerful creative energies that have been building up. Be careful not to resist the creative flow that is working for you right now. Work with the strengths of both the yin and yang aspects of your being as they are iinseparable parts of yourself.

Nine of Fire
The Nine of Fire is all about flow — going with the flow and being the flow. It is about bringing forth your creative expressions from a very deep source within and allowing them to flow freely from you. Through this powerful creative force, what you bring forth takes on a life of its own. All that you do flows with this abundant life-giving energy.

Ten of Fire
You are being asked to be the brightest you can be. Let your brilliance dazzle those around you. As you shine your light, you warm the hearts and souls of anyone in your presence. Your joyful expression of the fire that dances in you is a channel for divine light. Expand your light to encompass those still in darkness, sharing the radiance of divine light that comes with the Ten of Fire.

Seeker of Fire
You seek a deeper understanding and expression of your passion and creativity. Get rid of any blocks, in the form of old thought patterns and attitudes interfering with your creative expression. As you uncover your innate gifts and talents with the assistance of the Seeker of Fire, your path becomes clearer. Unobstructed, you freely go with the creative flow, breathing new life into all you do, illuminating the world with your gifts.

Initiate of Fire
The Initiate of Fire signals a time of transformation and rebirth. You are at a crossroad, where you are asked to let go of anything weighing you down. It speaks of the inspiration that fuels the creative fire and transforms that which has been into a resurrected space of new life and energy. Ignite your inner fire and watch your dreams take flight.

Apprentice of Fire
This card tells you that through the expression of your creativity, you are drawn closer to your spiritual connection with the divine. This card indicates a time of great revelation and wisdom, with which to inspire your creative pursuits.

Elementor of Fire
The Elementor of Fire is the ultimate expression of Fire. You radiate the greatest expression of your passion and creativity. You are an endless source of inspiration. Your creative knows no bounds and new creations continue to manifest in these most wonderful of times.

One of Shells
When the One of Shells shows up, count your blessings. Be open to receive the gifts the universe is providing. Love, joy and abundance are to be found in your home, at work, your relationships and your life in general. This card suggests spiritual and emotional richness. It indicates a good time to start a new project, new job, or relationship. Love, happines, joy and pleasure will follow.

Two of Shells
The Two of Shells rings to you a time of enrichment. This comes when you are able to see union rather than duality. Look with your heart and see what is being mirrored to you in your relationships. The Two of Shells suggests to come out of your shell and swim a lover’s ballet, like the seahorses, buoyant in the sea of emotional richness.

Three of Shells
The Three of Shells announces a time of rejoicing and celebrating life to the fullest. It indicates a time of festivity that may be connected to a birth or any event that brings happiness and good fortune. Abundance and joy are the reward of emotional and spiritual healing. Be open to receiving these gifts with love and gratitude.

Four of Shells
Gentleness towards self and others is the basic tenet of the Four of Shells. Attune yourself to gentleness by releasing the prickly aspects of the ego that disrupt harmony. In your busy schedule there may be many distractions. The Four of Shells asks you to find stillness.

Five of Shells
You are asked to look at what needs to be released for your continued growth and inner peace. You have chosen to be part of the grand scheme evolving at this time.  You are strong, resourceful and accumulate new information fast, which you then integrate into your crystalline structure.  The Five of Shells asks you to let go of old concepts and embrace new possibilities.

Six of Shells
The Six of Shells is a productive card that finds you going deeper into your emotions and emerging with a sense of something about to birth. The six holds the fullness of the Mother and that which will nurture and nourish all your dreams. Now is the time to balance and stailize your emotional self.

Seven of Shells
This card indicates a time of great potential. Be sure your emotional field is clear. The result will be unlimited possibilities. Knowing you are part of the great cosmic plan, all possibilities are aligned for your highest good. You need only choose which opportunity to take.

Eight of Shells
The Eight of shells asks you to understand the lesson of detachment. Raise your frequency through ingesting life-giving joy and the freedom of emotional detachment. Splendor evolves on the calm seas you choose. Even with your outer radiance and beauty, nothing gets to your head. You undersand that the source of emotions is the ego. The source of bliss is the soul.

Nine of Shells
You are blessed with emotional richness and abundance. In the Nine of Shells all your hard work is coming to fruition and the blessings that follow are evident. You are grateful for the peace that you find in your home and relationships.

Ten of Shells
The Ten of Shells arrives with a bundle of blessings that radiate from the source of unconditional love. Whatever is required to be of selfless service will come through you when you are centered in your heart. Whether that be speaking, listening, toning, healing or pure love, in any moment you may share that gift and hold the space for love to birth.

Seeker of Shells
The Seeker of Shells invites you to taste of the emotional richness that is coming to you. Love and beauty are ready to bless you with their abundance. All you need to do is choose to drink them in. Bliss and joy are part of what the Seeker wishes to experience on her quest. It reminds you to follow your intuition to find the answers you are seeking at this time.

Initiate of Shells
The Initiate of Shells suggests a time of going within in search of the inner peace which leads to greater uderstanding. Now is not the time for action. Her quest is born of wisdom which comes through her intuition. The Initiate of Shells brings forth that which is hidden in darkness into the light. She is a symbol of love, reverence and devotion to all that is sacred.

Apprentice of Shells
When you are visited by the Apprentice of Shells, you are drawn to the stream of life to bathe in its fullness. Immerse yourself in all aspects of life; feel the blessings of love and beauty in your relationships and your home, the abundance and prosperity in your work and your spiritual journey. The Apprentice has mastered the three-fold mystery of love: self-love, Self-love and love for others.

Elementor of Shells
It indicates a time of great fluidity. You have not only mastered the ability to go with the flow, you are the flow. You have the ablity to blend into your surroudings, and yet stand out, the ulimate act of Zen. Peaceful power is the energy the Elementor of Shells brings to you.

One of Feathers
The One of Feathers encourages you to use your inner guidance and intellect for the question at hand. Stand back to see the greatest perspective and the greatest good for all. It contains the energy to help you deal with everyday life effectively through the logical, realistic and analytical mind.

Two of Feathers
Two of Feathers asks you to focus your attention on new life and all that surrounds you. Your attention to detail shows. Your thoughts are crisp and clear, making it easy for others to see where you stand. It gives you the opportunity to share you knowledge of truth with others, because it is time.

Three of Feathers
Your path forward will be easier when you choose a positive outlook. See the rainbow in every situation and create your new reality accordingly. The Three of Feathers is a card that brings you back to the inner peace that is your birthright and you can surely rejoice in that.

Four of Feathers
The Four of Feathers awakens you to the grand possibilities of the Universal Dream. Be aware of your dreams and what they are telling you. Investigating them will bring insights into the next step on your path. The energy of this card invites you to dream big and manifest your dreams into this physical existence.

Five of Feathers
The Five of Feathers brings you an amazing message to be in your joy. Change is in the air. It is up to you to choose that which gives you the greatest joy. Like the feisty hummingbird, find the courage to live in joy and the blessings will abound.

Six of Feathers
The Six of Feathers reminds you to keep your mind focused on the most positive outcome in all situations. You may have been through some rough waters lately, but it has all been for a purpose, leading you into a brighter tomorrow. This card indicates an optimistic future.

Seven of Feathers
The Seven of Feathers indicates a time for positive action in seeking and maintaining balance in your life. The card also asks you to look at things that appear to be black or white and find the middle ground. Your moment of Zen comes when you are able to make peace with any opposing aspects within yourself and within your relationships.

Eight of Feathers
A positive focused attitude gives you a powerful presence when it is rooted in love. Unconditional love from the heart of the matter, or from the solar logos, shines through in this card. Your focused intent creates opportunities for miracles to occur in your everyday life. Nothing is impossible when you set your mind to it.

Nine of Feathers
When the kestrel swoops in to grab your attention, you are given a call to action. It is time to commit to the projects you have started and finish them. Clear any thought patterns or mind-sets coming from the lower states of consciousness and connect with the wisdom for higher intellect. The energy of the Nine will assist in bringing these projects to completon.

Ten of Feathers
Beauty and grace are found when you turn your mind and attention towards the light of the Solar Logos. You have been asked to step up to the highest sanctum of the cosmic mind and into the Christ consciousness within yourself. The cosmic Christ unites the psyche and the cosmos, merging the higher intellect with the heart.

The Seeker of Feathers
In the past you may have been told what to believe. Now you will connect with the wisdom that lives within. Your vision and scope of the world are about to expand in brand new ways. This is the gift and the challenge of the Seeker of Feathers: to reach higher and go beyond what you think you can. Just remember, as a Seeker in the suit of Feathers, being a bit ‘air-y’ is a good thng!

Initiate of Feathers
You are on the path of the Initate following the seven stars of the Pleiades. The Seven Sisters are assisting you wih shifts in higher consciousness. Now is a time of tremendous transformation on the planet, and for you as well.

Apprentice of Feathers
The Apprentice of Feathers brings a whirlwind of change that clears any obstacles on your path. Now is the time to move full speed ahead. Stay centered in the eye of the storm, or more approriately the ‘I am’ of the storm, and you will find the peace and calm in every situation.

Elementor of Feathers
She offers her most precious gift: true knowledge, information untainted by perspective or emotion. Remember it is not so much in the doing, as in the being. Bend with the wind. Let it touch your heart, and the mind will always be guided in the right direction.

One of Stones
The One of Stones reminds you of your Earth connection. If you are spending too much time indoors, get out and commune with the Earth Mother. With your feet on the ground, look to the stars. As the record-keeper, this card holds a special place. This card is a gift that will assist you in bringing your higher thoughts and dreams into manifestation on this plane. This may indicate a time of physical comforts wealth and prosperity. The One of Stones provides a strong foundation on which to build a beautiful home and a prosperous future.

Two of Stones
When encountering the Two of Stones, it indicates a time of peace and harmony entering your life. You are asked to find the inner balance and reflect that harmony in the outer world. People will like to be around you because of your positive energy. You can bring harmony into difficult situations, dispelling negativitiy by cultivating positive thoughts and behaviors.

Three of Stones
It asks you to apply your creativity towards a project that will benefit the geater good. This may be an artistic endeavor that involves beautifying the community in some way. It may be a communal project that improves the well being of many, a social contribution for the betterment of humanity. Now is the time to put creative ideas into concrete form, to begin building towards something that has lasting value.

Four of Stones
You are asked to look beyond and see your place in the grander scheme. You are asked to assess and discern all information and let go of what limits your understanding of the greatest expression of who you are. You are heading in the right direction. The Four of Stones gives you the opportunity to go beyond the beyond.

Five of stones
When this card shows up you are ready for change on many levels. These may be subtle changes, but with profound affects. Be aware of what you are feeling in your body. You may notice changes in your sleeping patterns. The Five of Stones brings you greater clarity in your communication and direction of your work on this plane.

Six of Stones
The Six of Stones indicates a time of manifesting love in the physical plane through compassion. This begins inwardly with love for the self. Self-love means forgiveness for past actions and compassion for being less than perfect at any moment. This card is a precious gift that awakens your loving heart.

Seven of Stones
With the Seven of Stones you are asked to see beyond what appears to be. Look with your inner eye and open to the world within worlds. See with true vision that which is real or unreal. Remember, the wisdom and knowledge you need is within you. You can access this at any time. When you expand the viewpoint you currently hold, you will broaden your perspective to see things that are out of this world!

Eight of Stones
The Eight of Stones indicates a time has come to share your talents with the world — exhibiting your artwork, singing or dancing in a performance, cooking a gourmet dinner — any creative expression is welcome at this time. You are asked to be the brightest you can be. People see you and are inspired to find their own means of creative expression.

Nine of Stones
Full-fillment is the gift of the Nine of stones Be aware of working with your magnetic feminine energy to attract, and your electric masculine energy to repel, all that is needed for you to manifest your dreams. Now is the time for reaping the fruits of your labor. Love and abundance are your just rewards.

Ten of Stones
You are at a new beginning and the Ten of Stones gives you vision of your path beyond as you stand with both feet on this sacred ground. It is a golden time for you in manifesting your dreams on this plane. Your roots are deep, yet your ability to know the truth goes even farther. Remember that wherever you are, whatever you do, when you approach life with love and oneness, you are on sacred ground.

Seeker of Stones
Take time to connect with your heritage by listening to the stories of your grandfathers and grandmothers. In understanding where you’ve come from, it is easier to know where you are going. Find the messages left in your lineage that point you in the direction of choosing your own path.

Initiate of Stones
The robes of the Initiate tell you life is simple when you choose it to be so. You may need to simplify your life to find the peace you are seeking. On her journey the Initiate has found the new world within herself. Every step you take in simplifying makes you lighter and more free.

Apprentice of Stones
It is time to share that which you have to share. This is a time to give as well as receive. And receive you will. That which you extend to others will bless your life in countless ways. Let your intuition be your guiding force.

Elementor of Stones
Elementor of Stones brings the rewards of all your hard work here on the Earth plane. It indicates a time of fullness and abundance on a grand scale. Open to receive the rich harvest that is in store for you at this time. Your gifts and talents are appreciated. Many greatly benefit from your loving and nurturing nature.

One of Lotus
The key to this card is expansion. Whatever perceptions you had before about yourself and your reality are about to change. This is a time of great discovery that challenges what you thought you knew. It opens up brand new worlds and possibilities for you. You are in a position to choose what you want your reality to be and ‘make it so’.

Two of Lotus
The Two of Lotus indicates an opening to empathic abilities. Connect with your heart space to make decisions on your path. At this time you may feel great strength and trust flow through you, as you rely less on what you see and hear, and more on inner knowing.

Three of Lotus
When the Three of Lotus has made itself known, expect new opportunities to present themselves that go beyond anything you perceived. This may apply to all areas of your life, in relationships, career choices and your spiritual calling. Open your heart to feel the enlivening aspects of yourself that bring cascades of joy and passion into your life.

Four of Lotus
The Four of Lotus indicates a time for clarity. Light dispels the darkness, just as crystals clear a murky pool of water. In the same way, you are asked to clear your energy fields of interfering energies in order to see what is truly presenting itself. Give yourself the space to look at what is in front of you, while seeing the whole picture.

Five of Lotus
Th Five of Lotus asks you what needs reshaping in your life. It indicates you have the power to shift your perception and create your own reality. As you begining to look at different aspects of your life through new eyes, you can transform yourself and the world around you.

Six of Lotus
The Six of Lotus indicates a time of peace and harmony. Oneness is the key for you at this moment in time. Find the common ground in all relationships, rather than the differences that keep you apart. You use your diplomatic abilities to foster harmony in all situations. The things you enjoy and share will brighten many people’s lives and bring them closer together.

Seven of Lotus
The depth of your soul is anwering to the call of your divine blueprint. The Seven of Lotus asks you to connect with the special gifts and talents you have to share with the world. Search to understand the deeper meaning behind what you do. As energy begets energy you may also find this to be a high energy time. Work with these energies to be of service. As always, in giving you receive.

Eight of Lotus
When the Eight of Lotus appears, it reminds you of your inter-connectedness with all life. Be aware of synchonicities, as everything is connected. Notice how the universe responds to all that is occurring in your life. This card indicates it is not a time to retreat into isolation. Your interaction with others is important in the dance of inter-connectedness. You may be the universe’s response to someone else’s request.

Nine of Lotus
The Nine of Lous indicates a time of liberation from anything that is holding you down. It is both a call of action and no-action. Look at your current situation to see where you are still holding attachments to illusion and let them go.

Ten of Lotus
The Ten of Lotus is a time of awakening to your full potential. You are a perfect representation of divine light on this plane and now you are asked to reflect that light to others. Your service is greater than your self and your light shines in everthing you do. As long as you come from the light, your path will be en-light-ened,

Seeker of Lotus
The Seeker of Lotus dances with the iridescence of the dragonfly. This quality of refracting light allows for new ways to view your surroundings at this time. As the Seeker of Lotus, you enhance your life by opening up to the unlimited possibilities of an ever-expanding universe. Follow your intuition and allow the synchonicities to flow.

Initiate of Lotus
The Initiate of Lotus invites you to receive her blessings of unconditional love. Surrendering the ego self and trusting the higher self is key to expanding into geater aspects of who you are. For your greatness lies in your humbleness. From a place of compassion, unconditional love will blossom in your heart. You will be initiated into the realm of illumined truth and experience the bliss and joy that are the out-flowing of selfless service and unconditional love.

Apprentice of Lotus
The Apprentice of Lotus has led you to the sacred space that is connected to the heart of hearts. You are being readied to embark on a new phase of your soul journey. Beings of light from the realms of illumined truth are guiding you on your path, raising your vibrations and attuning you to the higher frequences, which will allow you to experience the fifth-dimensional aspects of cosmic consciousness.

Elementor of Lotus
You have attained the knowledge and wisdom of the ethers. How does this translate in your daily life — by choosing love and light as your new reality. Through the message of the Hathor and the gifts bestowed by the Elementor throughout the suit of Lotus, experience the bliss of Oneness. Bliss-ed Be!

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