ShadowFox Tarot — ШедоуФокс Таро | Энциклопедия карт Таро и оракулов Rozamira

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Тароман — карты Таро

Характеристика ShadowFox Tarot — ШедоуФокс Таро

Варианты переводов названия: Таро Сумрачной Лисы, Таро Хитрой (Ловкой) Тени и т.п.

Автор: Richard and Jennifer ShadowFox
Художник: Richard and Jennifer ShadowFox
Издательство: Schiffer Books
Производство: США
Состав: 78 карт с книгой на англ. языке
Язык карт: английский
Размер карт: 7*12,5 см
Год: 2010
ISBN: 978-0764334870

Традиция: Уэйт
Младшие арканы: иллюстрации
Масти: жезлы, чаши, мечи, пентакли
Карты двора: Паж, Рыцарь, Дама, Король
Нумерация: Шут 0 Сила 11 Правосудие 8
Категория: черно/белая

Другие колоды Richard ShadowFoxТаро Героев — Tarot Deck of HeroesTarot of the Night


Войдите в таинственное царство теней с помощью этих безграничных образов Таро. Интригующие 3D черно-белые изображения карт вызывают легкую интуитивную интерпретацию, приводя и новичка, и опытного читателя к самопознанию. Инновационная 78-карточная колода таро ShadowFox идет в сопровождении Книги Теней — тщательного и всеобъемлющего руководства, содержащего информацию не только касающуюся Таро, а и всего остального от астрологии до рун.

Где купить ShadowFox Tarot — ШедоуФокс Таро

*Ссылки на магазины показывают, что там была замечена данная колода.

Тароман — карты Таро

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Обзор ShadowFox Tarot — ШедоуФокс Таро

Карты ShadowFox Таро отличаются глубинными 3D изображениями, исполненными в оттенках серого тона. Каждая сцена как бы вырезана, но в ней отражены главные герои и элементы, что упрощает идентификацию карты, хотя и предоставляет место для полета фантазии. Поставляется с большой Книгой теней с подробным описанием значений для каждой из 78 карт.
Рецензия Антона Самсонова

Завершает Трилогию Колода Шэдоуфокс (не транспарент – пока не решился взяться за главную открывашку и мозгомиксер в одном, но со временем получите и его). Колода эта пока немного доступна в продаже и представляет собой очередную «Другую» сторону творчества издательства «Шиффер».

Колода поставляется в макси-шифферовском боксе – книга сделана в удлиненном формате, карты стандартно большие, отсек для хранения продуман, магнит, ляссе, все в наличии. Колода начисто лишена цвета – оперирует лишь черным, белым и оттенками серого. При этом оттенками достигается объемность изображений. Все изображения имеют крайне четкие и темные тени. Рубашка карт симметричная, Сила 8-я, Правосудие 11-е. Пустая карта имеется.

Если Вы следите за трилогией, то первая упирала на оригинальность подачи, вторая – на стиль. Третья колода, вроде бы особо оригинальностью не отличается и в этом ее плюс – она максимально приземленная – очевидных чудес в изображениях нет, весь пафос смыт и сейчас я поясню как это происходит.

Шут просто идет со своей котомкой навстречу приключениям. Миссия его весьма чиста и понятна. Собаки нет, следовательно и опасности его не ждут. Маг опирается на стихии в виде символов мастей, нимба нет, чудеса отменяются – сила Мага в знаниях. Жрица загадочна и красива, держит в руке месяц. Император с Императрицей лишены своих пафосных тронов – Императрица ждет ребенка (материнство), Император несет на плечах сына (отцовство). Очевидно, что вся воинственность в Императоре трансполирована в семью. Иерофант – типичный священник, держащийся за веру и слово Божье. Колесница предстает в этом ряду первой агрессивной картой – героиня мчится куда-то вдаль подгоняя лошадь, которая, к счастью, одна. Сила снова весьма утилитарна – героиня приручила лошадь. Правосудие – первая карта Старшего семейства существенно похожая на райдеровский оригинал – меч и весы в комплекте. Повешенный просто стоит на голове и непонятно – то ли это альтер-эго шута, то ли колдовство и он встать на ноги не может. Смерть откровенно забавна – летит с двумя мечами аки Супермен и ужаса не вызывает. Умеренность встает второй в ряду копий если бы не одно но – часть воды проливается. Башня передает привет Повешенному – кто-то просто сверзился и падает, самого строения в кадре нет. Интересна Луна – в ее диске отражается лицо героини, на нее воет волк, тени у Луны нет. Правосудие и особенно Мир завершают линейку откровенно семейных карт. Нарочито негативных образов в Старших Арканах нет – их следует искать в тенях.

Младшие Арканы играются на поле Райдера в большей степени, но снова не занимаются повальным копированием. Например, персонаж на четверке Кубков пинает опостылевший Кубок, Королева поит из Кубка младенца (тема материнства у автора явно превалирует), а Король сама открытость и очевидно приглашает выпить вместе с ним. Пентакли в большей степени зациклены на классическую постановку, но выделяется, как обычно, Королева – она подобрала под себя ноги и вместе с неким питомцем наблюдает за происходящим. В семейке Жезлов снова главные экспериментаторы – Король и Королева. Первый не сидит на своем троне, предпочитая подлокотник. Мол иди сюда, и помоги мне. У Королевы очередной питомец (киска) и она как раз держится за жезл, но чем-то обеспокоена – то есть главная ее ценность не жезл, а нечто иное. Мечи также классичны, кроме Королевы, что опирается ногой о трон и готова дать отпор, как и Король.

И тут можно вроде бы и завершить, но я обязан заострить внимание на одной очень вкусной детали – а именно на книге-компаньоне. Такое я мало где видел. Книга не просто очень подробна, она сверхинформативна. Весьма достойно изложены основы Астрологии, расклады, даже есть описание о создании собственных. До описания самих Арканов дело доходит только к 56-й странице сборника. Где вы такое видели у Барбары Мур? К Каждому Аркану в описании прилагаются соответствия с Алхимией, Астрологией, частями тела, болезнями, сторонами света, группой крови, гороскопом друидов, еврейским алфавитом, символом из книги перемен, материя, музыкальным настроением (для каждого Аркана своя ПЕСНЯ!), нумерология, влияние других карт, камень и так далее. Соответствий очень много, перечислены не все. Само собой есть и значения, как прямое, так и перевернутое, плюс еще одно толкование под названием «Возможности». Причем, заметьте, весь этот ад прилагается к колоде, чьи образы весьма понятны и легко читаются. Так что вкупе с книгой данная колода – это победа по всем фронтам.

Общая оценка(по пятибалльной шкале):

Качество исполнения

Вероятно, я уже утомил разговорами о качестве колод Шиффера, но эта не исключение.


Текстовое сопровождение(МБК)

Это просто блеск.


Художественная ценность

Да, скорее всего самая слабая часть колоды, но она в рамках идеи вполне допустима.


Простота (с позиции первого знакомства)

Если это попадет в руки к новичку, у него все шансы пройти путь от неуверенного пользователя до зомби эзотерики, настолько подробно все объясняется.


Простота (с позиции дальнейшей работы)

А опытный пользователь существенно пополнит свой багаж знаний.



Если кто приведет мне пример другой колоды, которую сопровождает столь подробная энциклопедия знаний – скажу спасибо.


Соотношение цены и качества

Без понятия сколько это стоит сейчас. Надо переиздавать или делать русскую локализацию, что непросто.


Коллекционная ценность

Видимо, тому у кого этой колоды нет следует озаботиться приобретением.


Суммарная оценка

В сущности, эта работа – вершина, на которую стоит равняться. Достойный труд для которого трояк на Эклектике – оскорбление.



Проработка / Обсуждение ShadowFox Tarot — ШедоуФокс Таро

МБК значения: ShadowFox Tarot — ШедоуФокс Таро

ShadowFox Tarot by Richard ShadowFox

0 The Fool

Upright Interpretation

Adventure, change, childlike naivety, decisions, delusion, enchanting, energy, enthusiasm, extravagance, fearless, fresh start, happiness, inexperience, innocence, inspiration, leap of faith, leaping into the unknown, movement, mystical, new beginnings, optimism, originality, possessing the tools and talent to move forward, possible travel, risk, spontaneity, starting the journey, the inner child, trial by fire, trusting your instincts, trusting, unconventional, unexpected, whimsical.

Reversed Interpretation


Ambiguity, carelessness, conventionality, cynicism, delirium, delusions, detriment, distraction, eccentricity, failure to follow through to completion, fear of the unknown, foolishness, frivolity, gambling, gullibility, instability, lack of experience, lack of motivation, liability and exposure, listen to your conscience, making assumptions, mania, mistakes, mistrust, not ready to take the next step, obsessive behavior, recklessness, unwilling to accept responsibility for actions, unwise move, wasted energy.

1 The Magicican

Upright Interpretation

Ability to manipulate your surroundings, action, adaptability.  As above so below, carpe diem — seize the day, catalyst, concentration, courage to succeed, creativity, dexterity, diplomacy, divination, great promise, ingenuity, initiative, innovations, intense level of focus, learning through practical application. manifestation of will into reality, mastery, movers and shakers, new life cycle, new skills, prioritizing, self-awareness, self discipline, self-determination, skill with words, utilization of talents, versatility, willpower.


Reversed Interpretation

Abuse of power, agitator, arrested, development, arrogance, blocked creativity, charlatan, con man, confusion, destructive behavior, dog and pony show, difficulties and delays, discontent, façades, hesitation, hindrance, illusions, impostors and posers, indecision, indirectness, lack of inspiration, manipulations, misDirection, missed opportunity, mixed messages, overconfidence, scattered energies, sleight of hand, smoke screens, stagnation, trickster, ulterior motives, unrealistic expectations, weak-willed.

2 The High Priestess

Upright Interpretation

Ancient wisdom, artistic and creative ability, enlightenment, fey, harmony, illumination, inner wisdom, instinctual intuition, keeping your thoughts to yourself, knowing and seeing, logical meditation, mysteries, need for independence, occult, passive, past lives, peace, perceptive, psychic knowledge, secrets, silent counsel, subconscious, subtle, teacher, that which is hidden, thinking outside the box, untapped potential.

Reversed Interpretation


Conceit, failing to acknowledge the spiritual in life, failure to listen to your inner voice, false knowledge, fear of commitment, hypocrisy, ignorance, loss of self worth, manipulation, naivety, overly sensitive, prejudice, preoccupation, psychological disorders, reclusive, repression, secrets revealed, shallowness, superficiality, undeveloped talent, unstable vagueness, untrustworthy, weakness of character.

3 The Empress

Upright Interpretation

Abundance, birth, comfortable, creativity, encouragement, fertility, fruitfulness, good fortune, good luck, growth, hard work is paying off, harmony, healing reassurance, material wealth, maternal love, nurturing, open to new ideas, parental guidance, passion, planning for the future, pregnancy, productive, prosperity, sensuality, the good life. The Great Mother, unconditional love, vitality.

Reversed Interpretation


Barrenness, creativity is blocked, demanding, depressing situation, destruction, discrimination, dissatisfaction, financial problems, frigidity, impatience, infidelity, material or emotional needs are unmet, materialism, mother complex, narrow minded, need for good counsel, poverty, problem or unwanted pregnancy, promiscuity, self-inflicted pain, selfish, sexually manipulative, smothering, sterility, struggling to thrive, vanity.

4 The Emperor

Upright Interpretation

Action, assertiveness, authority, benevolence, civilization, clarity of vision, competitive, controlled passion, forcefulness, healthy ambition, law, leadership, legacy, logic, long term achievement, manifestation mind over matter, order and structure, organization, paternal love, powerful ally, protection, rational thought, reasonable, regulation, responsibility, ruling power, security, stability, The Great Father, the high king, wisdom from experience, worldly power.

Reversed Interpretation


Being manipulated for someone else’s gain, bully, chauvinism, cowardice, egocentric, failure, father complex, immaturity, impatience, indecision, irresponsibility, juvenile, lack of progress, lack of self-control, loss of control, loss or abuse of power, megalomaniac, overcompensation, prejudice, preoccupied with sex, problems with authority, rebellion, rigidity, subservience, tyranny, unwise decisions, vacillation, weakness.

5 The Hierophant

Upright Interpretation

Advice, alliances, blind faith, celibacy, commitment, conformity, conservative, conventional, counselor, education, exposition, inspiration, loyalty, morality, old school, possible marriage, practical, sincere and truthful, social mores, spiritual authority, status quo, stubbornness, teacher, the ‘powers that be’. too much emphasis on appearances, traditional, well thought out arguments.

Reversed Interpretation

Arrogance, ascetical, disloyal, dishonest, distorting the truth, dogmatic, extremism, false prophet, fanaticism, free thinking, fundamentalism, hidden agendas, inflexibility, intolerance, irreverent, lack of imagination, nonconformist, nontraditional, outspoken, perverse, plagiarism, question authority, rebelling for no reason, self-indulgent, speaking of things of which you have no knowledge, unconventional, unethical, unorthodox.

6 The Lovers

Upright Interpretation

Choices, commitment, communication, decisions, dilemma, engagement, evolving relationship, fidelity, harmony, inspirations, integrity, love affairs, making responsible choices, marriage, moral stability, need for balance, negotiations, personal relationships, personal values, possible short-term travel, responsibilities, stick to your resolve, temptations, trust, union.

Reversed Interpretation

Bad choices, being used, conflicting advice, contradictions, difficulties, disillusionment, divorce, envy, fear of commitment, fickle, hedonism, hurt feelings, immaturity, indiscretions, infidelity, interference, irresponsibility, jealousy, lack of tact, love triangles, lust, not following your heart, pettiness, physical cruelty, promiscuity, seduction, strong opposition, temptations, vacillation.

7 The Chariot

Upright Interpretation

Action, ambition, centered, conquest, control, decision, decisiveness, determination, focused, graceful winner, grounded, heavy-handed control, journey, making progress, mental control and strength, perseverance, pioneering spirit, prestige, resisting temptation, resolutions, responsible, self-discipline, self-reliance, sticking to the game plan, taking matters into your own hands, triumph over adversity, victory, warrior spirit, well-balanced

Reversed Interpretation

Arrogance, avarice, blind or unhealthy ambition, chaos, complete disregard for others, conquered, destruction, difficulty completing tasks, egotistical, envy, failure, forced compromise or cooperation, imbalance, lack of direction, legal problems, outdated ideas, overly high expectations, overwhelmed, plans fall through, pride, quarrels, resentment, ruthlessness, sore loser, stagnation, substance, abuse, superstitious, suspicion, unfair, unhealthy addictions, wrong use of energy or talent.

8 Strength

Upright Interpretation

Catching more flies with honey than with vinegar, charisma, conviction, courage, desire, diplomacy, empowerment, fortitude, generosity, gentle control, harmonious balance, harnessing destructive forces, inner strength, opportunities will present themselves, optimism, overcoming obstacles, patience, quiet authority, self-confidence, self-control, self-esteem, self-worth, selfless love, sheer will, tact, taming the wilder nature of yourself, virility, warranted pride, will, wisdom.

Reversed Interpretation

Abuse of power, anger, argumentative, base urges, brute strength is ineffective, concession, controlling, cowardice, deception, defeatist attitude, dependency, depression, destructive, behavior, envy, failure to act, helplessness, illness, inertia, insecurity, jealousy, lack of determination, lack of integrity, misdirected aggression, self-abuse, self-doubt, self-fear, self-pity, tyranny, vanity, vulnerability, weakness. 

9 The Hermit

Upright Interpretation

Assimilation, atonement, attunement, caution, contemplations, discretion, disguise, enlightenment, evolved, guidance, in depth analysis, introspection, intuition, isolation, loneliness, need to let go of old grudges, open-minded, personal space, prudence, rest, solitary, soul-searching, spiritual pursuits, spiritual sabbatical, time to re-examine priorities, vigilance, withdrawal.

Reversed Interpretation

Anti-social, bereavement, boredom, conceited, confusion, deception, depression, excitability, fear, groundless suspicions, hypersensitive, hypochondria, immaturity, imprudent, irresponsibility, isolation, lack of communication, loneliness, making excuses for your behavior, obstinacy, paranoia, perfectionist, personal façades, reclusive, self-deception, spiritually vacant, victimization.

10 The Wheel of Fortune

Upright Interpretation

Abundance, activity and excitement, advancements, catching a break, cause and effect, coincidences, cycles, destiny, expansion, fortune smiles on you, getting caught up in the moment, good luck, improvements, laws of Karma, movement, positive changes, prosperity, rapid changes. roll of the dice, seize the moment, turning point, unexpected success, what goes around comes around, winds of change.

Reversed Interpretation


Adversity, bad call, bad luck, blaming others for your mistakes, can’t break free, carelessness, changes are difficult, disappointment, disillusionment, failure, inconsistency, insecurity, instability, limited vision, luck of the draw, materialistic, missed opportunities, negligence, not seeing the big picture, poor judgment, retribution, resisting necessary changes, setbacks, shallow, stagnation, stuck in the same old routines, timing is off, victim of misfortune.

11 Justice

Upright Interpretation

Agreements, arbitration, balance, being judged, cause and effect, clarity, decision, emotional housecleaning, equilibrium, fairness, harmony, impartiality, just desserts, Karma resolved, laws of Karma, legal matters, logic, long arm of the law, marriage/divorce documents, neutrality, rationality, reason, rectification is necessary, resolution of conflict, responsibility, righteousness, seek legal advice, stability, subrogation, vindication, what goes around comes around.

Reversed Interpretation

Being judged unfairly, being taken advantage of, bias, bigotry, complications, delays, discrimination, disharmony, dishonesty. extremes, getting railroaded, imbalance, indecisive, inequality, intemperate, intolerance, illogical, jumping to conclusions, lack of integrity, legal proceedings, not in your favor, manipulation, negativity, prejudice, red tape, separations, unable to make a commitment, underhanded dealings, vigilante justice.

12 The Hanged Man

Upright Interpretation

Choices, cleaning out the emotional closet, commitment to a cause, complete turnaround, devotion, dilemma, enlightenment, foresight, freedom from limitations, humility, impasse, initiation, inspiration, isolation, letting go, limbo, rebirth, repentance, self-contemplation, self-sacrifice, separation, spiritual growth, standstill, stasis, struck in a rut, submission, surrender, suspension, transformation, turning point, withstanding temptations.

Reversed Interpretation

Apathy, arrogance, emotional imprisonment, envy, false imprisonment, false promises, fear of commitment, futility, hidden agendas, indecision, irresponsibility, lack of commitment, loss of faith, materialism, misdirection, mixed emotions, negativity, poor decisions, preoccupation, ready to make a move, rigidity, self-centered, selfishness, unnecessary martyrdom, unwilling to take good advice, uselessness, wallowing in self-pity, wasted effort.

13 Death

Upright Interpretation

Alterations, consciousness, destruction, detachment, elimination, ending of a situation, facing the music, immortality, inheritance, intensity, lack of productivity, leaving the past behind, letting go, liberation, major changes, massive upheaval, out with the old and in with the new, possible birth of a child, purging, rebirth, reconstruction, rejuvenation, renewal, resignation, resourcefulness, transformation, transition.

Reversed Interpretation

Abusive behavior, changes for the worse, clinging to the past, cruelty, decay, depressions, deterioration, dishonesty, envy, exhaustion, forced sacrifice, impulsiveness, inertia, involuntary reactions, jealousy, lethargy, outdated ideas pessimism, promiscuity, range, resisting or fear of change, revolution, rising from the ashes like a phoenix, ruin, secrets, self-centered, stagnation, take advantage of downtime to prepare for the future.

14 Temperance

Upright Interpretation

Adaption, adjustments, balance, blending of opposites, change, compassion, coordination, diplomacy, discretion, don’t rush, easy does it, go with the flow, good management, inspiration, moderation, negotiations, on the right path, one day at a time, open communication, patience, peace, placid, progress, restoration, self-control, slow and steady wins the race, synergy, take your time, timing, tolerance, tranquility, unity, vitality.

Reversed Interpretation

Acting out, bluntness, conflict of interest, emotional instability, emotional stress, extremism, fanaticism, fear of change, foolhardy, frivolousness, illness, inappropriate actions or words, ineptitude, instability, intolerance, lack of cooperative effort, misguided, out of balance, overindulgence, overly impressionable, poor judgment, stalling, strife, suppressing emotions, unwillingness to compromise, volatility, wanderlust.

15 The Devil

Upright Interpretation

Abuse of authority, addictions blasphemy, cruelty, emotional blackmail, Entertainment Industry (Music), fear, frustration, fulfilment of desires at any cost, greed, hidden obstacles, hopelessness, hostility, ignorance, inhibitions, lust, materialism, misdirection, narrow-minded, obsessions, oppression, overindulgence, perversions, physical urges, self-imposed limitations, shallowness, socializing, spendthrift, temptations, trapped in a bad situation, tunnel vision, turpitude, unnecessary use of force, weakness.

Reversed Interpretation


12-step programs, avoid being timid, breaking free, careful planning needed, clear thinking, complications, cutting your losses, divorce, indecision, loving thoughts and actions, moving forward, need to lighten up, never too late to say I’m sorry, recovery, rehabilitation, release, removing the chains, resolutions, self-love and forgiveness, taking the first step towards a better life, turning over a new leaf, undue influence, unwilling to face reality.

16 The Tower

Upright Interpretation

All is lost, bankruptcy, calamity, chaos, cleansing, collapse of a situation, complete upheaval, crushed dreams, destitution, devastation, downfall, epiphany, growing up, ignorance, illness, loss of hope, loss of self-esteem, megalomania, misery, poverty, purging, reconstruction, re-evaluation, release, renovation, revelation, ruin, self-defeat, selfish ambition, separation or divorce, shocking situation, the light at the end of the tunnel is a train, trauma, upheaval.

Reversed Interpretation

Aftermath of a catastrophe, arguments, bankruptcy, cruelty, dead end street, false accusations of slander, humility, impotence, impracticality, imprisonment, learning from your mistakes, liberation, light at the end of the tunnel, loss of ambition, oppression, persecution, piking up the pieces, problems are increasing, restrictions, self-destruction starting over, starting to rebuild, the party’s over, the phoenix rising from the ashes, tyranny, violence, weakness

17 The Star

Upright Interpretation

A new sense of purpose, beauty, better times are coming, bright expectations, calmness, contemplation, Entertainment Industry (Artists), fertility, grace, harmony, healing, health is improving, idealism, illumination, insight, inspiration, new concepts, new energy, optimism, peace, positivity, promises, protection, renewed hope, satisfaction, serenity, unexpected gifts with fulfillment.

Reversed Interpretation


Arrogance, closed-minded, conceit, depression, disappointment, dreams seem to be unattainable, emotional challenges or tests, friction, futility, ignoring the obvious, illness, intolerance, loss of faith, need for clarity, negativity, obstacles, out of balance, overconfidence, pessimism, procrastination, refusing a helping hand up, self-depreciation, self-doubt, delays and difficulties, separation, stubbornness.

18 The Moon

Upright Interpretation

Acute awareness, bewilderment, confusion, cycles, deception, disguises, emotional crisis, Entertainment Industry (Writers), exaggeration, false hopes, false promises, fear of loss or the unknown, fear, hidden agendas, hidden enemies, illusions, indecision, insight, intuition, laziness, lies, losing control, magick, magnetism, mixed emotions, mood swings, mystery, need for more independence, overactive imagination, psychic, secrets, subconscious, substance abuse, taking unfair advantage, treachery, unconscious, vacillation, wild and untamed.

Reversed Interpretation

Clarity, clear thinking, coming into the light, desperate measures needed, don’t take any risks, emotional problems, fraud is revealed, hidden additions, inner reflections, instability, irrational change, listening to the inner voice, lunacy, moment of clarity, open to information from unconventional sources, rationality, secrets are exposed, self-delusion, self-fulfilling prophecies, sensitivity, sincerity, subterfuge, sudden realizations, trickery, trust your instincts, uncertainty, understanding, unmasking the stranger within, unsettling fears.

19 The Sun

Upright Interpretation

Acclaim, achievement, blessings, celebrations, conception, cooperation and teamwork, empowerment, enlightenment. enrichment, Entertainment Industry (Actors, Directors, etc.), enthusiasm, free spirits, fulfillment, good health and vitality, good news, gratitude, happiness, liberation, lust for life, marriage, motivation,  new inspirations, pleasant surprises, positive energy, pride, purity, regeneration, rewards seize the current opportunity, success, triumph.

Reversed Interpretation


Arrogance, being dominated by others, burnout, delays, egotism, façades, failure, false pride, fear of loss, future is cloudy, hidden obstacles, ill-health, investigate before committing, keeping secrets, misjudgment, misuse of power, need to be more realistic, not seeing the big picture, overindulgence, psychic vampires, sadness, stagnation, superiority complex, too much emphasis on appearances, too much of a good thing, unclear future, vanity.

20 Judgment

Upright Interpretation

Absolution, atonement, breaking old habits, change, day of reckoning, decisions, destiny, end of a situation, Entertainment Industry (Dancers), freedom, good judgment, humility, improvement of health, integrity, justified pride in accomplishments, Karma, life changing decisions, making amends, milestones reached, new cycles emerging, paying dues, rebirth, reincarnation, release, renewal, repentance, resolution, resurrection, rites of passage, self-appraisal, spiritual awakening, transformation.

Reversed Interpretation

Alienation, being caught off guard, bitterness, decisions not in your favor, delays, disappointment, extreme attitudes, fear of change or death, forced change, guilt, holding a grudge, indecision, legal problems, limited successes, loss, miscommunications, narrow minded, negative criticism out of control inner critic, revenge restitution, separation, stagnation, stubbornness, terminations, unrealistic, unwillingness to accept needed change, waster opportunities, weakness of character.

21 The World

Upright Interpretation

Accomplishment, change of residence, completion, contentment, earned respect, elation, environmental and ecological issues,fulfillment, goals are reached, happiness happy ending, humanitarian issues, inner peace, liberation, life is good, moving on to the next phase in life, peace, perfect harmony, perfection, possible travel, recognition, self-realization, spirituality, success, triumph, victory, wholeness.

Reversed Interpretation

Always chasing rainbows, delays, despondency, distractions, failure, fear of change, giving up too soon, health problems, lack of vision, lack of closure, lessons not learned, need to re-examine priorities, not accepting Karmic lessons, not ready for the next step, obstacles and delays, repression, resistance to change, self-sabotage, spend-thrift, stuck in a rut, too many loose ends, unfinished business.

Ace of Wands

Upright Interpretation

Accept invitations, ambition, beginning of activity associated with the suit, confidence, conception, courage, drive, energy, enthusiasm, fertility, good foundations, idealism, inspiration, intuition, invention, new business, new challenges, opportunities, passion, pregnancy, profit, spark of creativity, stimulation, taking the initiative, virility.

Reversed Interpretation

Abandonment, all talk and no action, avarice, barrenness, cancellations, delays in business, disinterest, false start, frustration, greed, impotence, inertia, lack of initiative and motivation, laziness, overconfidence, persecution, pessimism, problem, pregnancy, restlessness, ruin, scams and pyramid schemes, selfishness, shell game, stagnation, sterility.

Two of Wands

Upright Interpretation

Alternatives, anxiety about the future, change is coming, creative ability, collaboration, disappointment, facing reality, grief, jealousy, melancholy, negotiations, originality, patience, planning, possible travel, preparation, quarrels, relocation, resentment, responsibility, study past successes, thinking outside the box, waiting for news, wake-up call

Reversed Interpretation


Anxiety. ask for more clarification before acting, being let down, blind ambition, boredom, disagreements, disinterest, deception, dishonesty, disillusionment, domination, frustration, losing patience, loss, miracles out of no where, obstinacy, restriction, reservation, self-doubt, sense of entitlement, sorrow, surprise, unrealistic expectations.

Three of Wands

Upright Interpretation

Business sense, boldness, compromise, cooperation, courage, efforts are paying off, effort, enterprise, explorations, first stages are complete, foresight, good advice, honesty, initiative, integrity, kick starting things into motion, limited success, new opportunities, setting goals, ship is coming in strength of conviction, time to ask for assistance, trade, travel.

Reversed Interpretation

Arrogance, carelessness, deceit, distrust, false pride, looking a gift horse in the mouth, missed opportunities, miscommunications, more work to be done, new direction, needed, overconfidence, peer pressure, poor communication, right place/wrong time, scattered energy, slipping through your fingers, stubbornness, ulterior motives, unattainable goals.

Four of Wands

Upright Interpretation

Attainment, celebration, culture and refinement, excitement, freedom, fun, goodness, marriage, merriment, joy, happiness, moving to or buying a new house, party, productivity, recreation, relationships are committed, rest and relaxation, rites of passage, satisfaction, taking a well deserved break, taking change of your life, tranquility, vacation.

Reversed Interpretation


Disappointment, disapproval, ending a long term relationship, ingratitude for blessings, inhibitions, insecurity, lackluster, not speaking up when necessary, overdoing it, possible delays, shirking responsibilities, snobbishness, superiority complex, social anxiety, the morning after, unforeseen obstacles, unwanted relationships.

Five of Wands

Upright Interpretation

Aggravations, aggression, agitation, anxiety, burning off energy, call it as you see it, challenges, competition, conceit, corporate raider mentality, cutthroat, frustration, hormonal flare-ups, inner conflict, legal matters opposition, rivalry, stakes are high, taking the lion’s share, twice the pride — double the fall, willingness to fight, winning isn’t everything — it’s the only thing

Reversed Interpretation

Arguments, communication problems, conflicts cruelty, curmudgeon, disputes, fraud, irritations and annoyances, getting the runaround, legal problems, malicious intent, meanness, minor health issues, overly defensive, pettiness, playing dirty, pettiness, practical jokes at the expense of others, red tape, setbacks, taking unfair advantages, taunting, wasted energy

Six of Wands

Upright Interpretation

Acclaim, accomplishment, advancement, diplomacy, fame and recognition, good news, hopefulness, inspiration, leadership, nobility, pride, progress, public recognition, reaching a goal or milestone, resolution of difficulties, return of the conquering hero, rewards, safe journey, satisfaction, self-confidence, success, travel, victory, warm welcomes.

Reversed Interpretation

Anticipation, arrogance, betrayal, coldness, delays, disrespect, false pride, getting upstaged, indecision, infidelity, insolence, lack of foresight, misunderstandings, not up to the challenge, payoff is not as good as expected, rivalry, second best, snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, stress needs an outlet, unwelcoming atmosphere.

Seven of Wands

Upright Interpretation

Advancement, challenges, change of employment, competition is fierce, courage of convictions, defiance, devotion, fortitude, gossip, having the advantage, high moral fiber, honor, inner strength, need for more self-confidence, observant, opportunity, productivity, stand your ground, taking a firm stand, taking a firm stand, taking responsibility for your actions under pressure, upper hand.

Reversed Interpretation

Anxiety, arguments for arguments sake, competitive atmosphere, disadvantage, doubt, embarrassment, envy, failure, fear of rejection, fear, feeling threatened or challenged, health issues, hesitation, impatience, indecision, obsessive/compulsive, overcompensation, retreat, running away from problems, sitting on the fence, this too shall pass, victimization.

Eight of Wands

Upright Interpretation

Apology is due, caught up in a whirlwind of activity, communications, creative inspirations, events are now in motion, excitement, falling in love, goal is within reach, lighting strike, messages are coming, no more delays, possible travel, progress, sense of purpose, sense of urgency, sparks of creativity, swiftness, taking initiative, travel by air.

Reversed Interpretation


Anxiety, apology owed, delays and unforeseen obstacles, disagreements, disputes, domestic disputes, futility, jealousy, marital interference, momentum is blocked, need for emotional control, overwhelmed by current activity, paddling upstream, personality clashes, quarrels, remorse, refusing to see the obvious, stagnation, standstill, wasted effort.

Nine of Wands

Upright Interpretation

Calm before the storm, challenges, defensive, delays, diligence, estrangement, fortification, frustration, health problems, hidden obstacles, keep your own counsel, miscommunications, not a time to make decisions, obstinacy, onguard, perseverance, preparations, resilience, stability, stamina, strength, suspension, use discretion, watchful.

Reversed Interpretation

Adversity, barriers, being taken advantage of, caught off-guard, cheap shots, defenses are inadequate, delays, disarray, exhaustion. false faces, illness, importunate, impracticality, lacking initiative, misfortune, not paying attention, obstacles, rest needed, stubbornness, tension, unforeseen problems, unpreparedness, unwillingness to compromise.

Ten of Wands

Upright Interpretation

Ambition, out of control, anger, burdens, cruelty, disruption, failure, falsehoods, feelings of indispensability, guilt, heavy workload, jealousy, no end in sight, no social life, oppression, overextension, overestimation, overwhelming, playing the martyr, struggles, success at any cost, suffering, taking on too much, treachery, under pressure, work related stress, workaholic.

Reversed Interpretation

Accepting help, anxiety, catching a break, getting left holding the bag, guile, intrigue, lightening the load, manipulation, misuse of ability, obstacles, overcoming limitations, plots, prioritizing, realizing your limitations, release, relief from stress, rewards are less than expected, traps, trying to shirk responsibility, wolf in sheep’s clothing, unexpected assistance, worry.

Page of Wands

Upright Interpretation

Adventurous, bravura, charming, courage, dating, derring do, easily bored, energetic, enterprising, faithful, friendly and elegant, graceful, imaginative, innovation, joie de vivre, messages by phone, new ideas, opportunity for employment and growth, optimism prankster, resourceful, seizing the moment, self-assured and confident, youthful exuberance.

Reversed Interpretation


Arrogance, bad news, conceit, cruelty, easily distracted, feckless, hot tempered and reckless, inconsistency, indecision, instability, legal problems, miscommunications, mood swings, negative responses, overly ambitious, pompous, rumors, secrets exposed, selfish, sore loser, spoiled, temper tantrums, unfaithful, unreliable, untrustworthy, vain and overly dramatic, worry.

Knight of Wands

Upright Interpretation

Adventure seeker, ambition, bravura, business rival, change is imminent, charming, competitive, creative energy, enthusiasm, excitement, fun loving, future oriented, growth, inspiration, need to plan ahead, noble and gallant, noncommittal, optimistic, passionate, playful, positive attitude, possible travel by water, revolutionary, spontaneous.

Reversed Interpretation

Adrenaline junkie, argumentative, delays, egotism, hastiness, headstrong, hidden enemies, hot-tempered, impatience, instigator, irresponsible, jealous, me first mentality, no self-discipline, obstacles, opportunistic, promiscuous, pushy, quixotic, refusal to accept the natural flow of things, unable to finish what is started, unpredictable, unreliable, volatile, zero, tolerance attitude.

Queen of Wands

Upright Interpretation

Ambitious, businesswoman, confidence, courageous, creative, drama queen, dynamic, endurance, good money management, high energy, highly competitive, independent, thinker, intuitive, loves and audience, organized, passionate, practical knowledge, protective, proud, stamina, temperamental, versatile,vibrant and outspoken, witty and fun.

Reversed Interpretation


Bitter, burnout, catty, controlling, demanding, egotistical, emotional blackmail, envious, extravagant, holding grudges, intolerant, jealous, long memory, malicious, manipulative, matriarchal, narrow minded, neurotic, out of control, overly strict or protective, prejudice, quick to anger, sarcastic, self-indulgent, self-centered, shallow, twisted sense of humor.

King of Wands

Upright Interpretation

Ambition, authoritative, hold, charismatic, charming, conscientious, considerate, creative, dashing, decisive, enthusiasm, entrepreneur, excellent communicator, forgiving, generous, innovation, inspiring, legal matters, loyalty, monogamous, motivation, optimistic, passionate, risk taking, spirited, strength, strong leader, The Boss, versatile, virility

Reversed Interpretation

Aggressive, always needs an audience, arrogant, autocratic, bigoted, by any means necessary, con artist, condescending, demeaning, domineering, egotistical, everything to excess, fierce enemy, histrionic, impulsive, inflexible, intolerant, narrow-minded, no mention to detail, pessimistic, prejudice, ruthless, self-absorbed, self-righteous, sore loser, undependable.

Ace of Cups

Upright Interpretation

Abundance, beginning of activity associated with the suite, blessings, breakthroughs, closeness, compassion, faithfulness, fertility, friendship, good news, happiness, intimacy, invitations, joy, kindness, new emotional beginnings, new love, nourishment, opening of psychic awareness, opening up to the possibilities, peace, pregnancy, sharing, sparks of love, stability

Reversed Interpretation

Abandonment, apathy, barrenness, broken heart, change, depression, despair, detachment, egotism, emptiness, false love, false promises, hesitancy, inconsistency, insecurity, loneliness, loss of faith, loss of love, mental blocks, running away from love,sadness, stagnation, sterility, toying with another’s emotions, unrequited love, using sex as a weapon, unfulfilling.

Two of Cups

Upright Interpretation

Admiration, affection, attraction, balance, becoming lovers, burying the hatchet, choices, commitment, cooperation, devotion, emotional affinity, empathy, fining a common ground, harmony, ideas, love, marriage, mutual appreciation and trust, partnership, reconciliation, romance, peace offering, pleasant surprises, sharing, sincerity, truce, understanding both male/female sides of our personalities, union.

Reversed Interpretation

Bad influences, breakups, broken heart, deceit, destructive emotions, disillusionment, dissatisfaction, dissent, distrust, divorce or separation, ending of a relationship, envy, greed, incompatibility, infidelity, jealousy, obstacles, overly possessive and demanding, philandering, pride, quarrels, rejection, sadness, telling a secret, temptation, unhealthy relationships, unrequited love, violent passion.

Three of Cups

Upright Interpretation

Abundance, achievement, celebrations, closeness and bonding, completion, compromise, contentment, creativity engagements, exuberance, favorable outcomes, fertility, fulfillment, happiness, happy anticipation, health is improving, holidays, hospitality, joy, marriage, party, pregnancy, reunions, sense of community, success, time to relax and play.

Reversed Interpretation


Accidents, bad trips, change of plans, embarrassments, endings, feeling sorry for yourself, hangovers, idle gossip, infidelity, illness, inappropriate lust, living in the past, overdoing it, loss of reputation, overextension, personal addictions, pessimism, promiscuity, sarcasm, setbacks, social faux pas, substance abuse, unwanted or difficult pregnancy, terminations.

Four of Cups

Upright Interpretation

Apathy, aversion, bitterness, boredom with life, demoralized, depression, disgust, dissatisfaction, excesses, feeling empty inside, inner turmoil, lack of motivation, let-downs, living in the past, monotony, need for re-evaluation, need for stimulation, self-absorbed, the Morning After card, timidity, too much of a good thing, unfulfilling relationships, way over it, weariness, withdrawing from society.

Reversed Interpretation

Change of coming, clarity, feeling better about yourself, fog is lifting, have more patience, momentum, motivation, need to stop worrying and use time more constructively, new accomplishments, new energy, new lease on life, new opportunities, premonitions, ready to get moving, reconsider your options, rejuvenation, renewal, revival satisfaction, second wind, socializing.

Five of Cups

Upright Interpretation

Abandonment, anxiety, betrayal, crying over loss but losing sight of what is left, defeatist attitude, despair, dishonor, divorce or separation, disappointment, drama king/queen, emotional let-downs, false starts gloom, I tried positive thinking once but knew it wouldn’t work, imperfection, loss of love, miscarriage, need to re-evaluate priorities, not seeing the obvious, picking up th pieces regrets, self-pity, sorrow.

Reversed Interpretation


Confronting your shortcomings, counting your blessings, facing reality, gratitude and appreciation, learning from past mistakes, moving on to better situation, networking, new hope for love, on the road to recovery, outlook is improving, renewal, resolving emotional issues, return of happiness, reunions, someone from the past returns, sun will come out again, today is a new days, turning over a new leaf, waking up and smelling the coffee.

Six of Cups

Upright Interpretation

Back in the day, Blast from the past, childhood memories, experience, fond memories, former lovers, indecision, inheritance, innocence, Karmic lessons, matters dealing with children, nostalgia, old friends, old school, past love returning, pastime activities or hobbies, possible change of job, possible travel opportunities, reminiscing, reunions, selective memories, sharing.

Reversed Interpretation

Clinging to the past, longings, new friends, not being realistic, outmoded ideas, past is coming hack to haunt you, preoccupations, refusal to grow up, regeneration, resting on your laurels and not pursuing new ones, time to move into the future, trip may be postponed, wearing rose-colored glasses.

Seven of Cups

Upright Interpretation

Castles in the air, change for the worse, confusion, daydreams, escapism, false hope, fear of success, get rich quick schemes, illusion of success, indecision, imagination, intuition, lack of focus, never thinking about where you are and what you are doing, options, scattered energy, self-delusion, selfish indulgence, substance abuse, unrealistic expectations, wishful thinking.

Reversed Interpretation

Clarity, confidence and security, changes for the better, cutting to the chase, dedication, desires and goals are attainable, determination, focus, getting things in perspective, good choices, high aspirations, intentions, inspiration, perseverance, realism, resolve, seeing things as they really are, setting realistic goals, taking charge, taking responsibility, vision is clearing, will power.

Eight of Cups

Upright Interpretation

Abandonment, breaking emotional ties, change of heart, change of perspective, crusades, cutting your losses, disappointment, discontent, disillusionment, emotional distance, fear of emotional commitment, letting go, misery, moving on, partings, problems may resolve themselves within 28 days, quests, severing ties, travel, turning point, walking away from a situation, withdrawal.

Reversed Interpretation

Apology is past due, clinging to outdated ideas, contentment, cutting off your nose to spite your face, living in the past, mediocrity,satisfaction, stubbornness, refusing to let go of a losing situation, refusing tomove on, unwillingness to accept change, refusal to think outside the box, recklessness, restlessness, same old same old, stagnation, some things just never change, stuck in a rut, wasted time and efforts.

Nine of Cups

Upright Interpretation

Abundance, advantage, contentment, dreams are coming true, emotional stability, excess, fulfillment, generosity, good luck, gratification, gratitude, happiness, indulgence, it’s all good, lacking for nothing, luxury, material gain, nearing the end of a cycle, pride, prosperity, satisfaction, security, sensual pleasure, smugness, The wish Card, your wish will be fulfilled, victory.

Reversed Interpretation

Adrenaline junkie, aimlessness, complacency, debauchery, deprivation, imperfections, ingratitude, insincerity, laziness, lost, minor illnesses, mistakes, monetary problems, obstacles, opposition, over dependency on others, overindulgence, self-absorption, self-indulgence, shallowness, smugness, substance abuse, wish will not be fulfilled, or it will not be exactly as you wanted it to be, vanity.

Ten of Cups

Upright Interpretation

All is well that ends well, blood is thicker than water, brotherhood, compatibility, completion, contentment, don’t look a gift horse in the mouth, end of a cycle, gifts, good reputation, gratitude, family matters, happiness, happy marriage, harmony, honor, inheritance, joy, love of home, peace, prosperity, quiet celebrations, satiety, sense of community, sincerity, virtue, wholeness.

Reversed Interpretation


Antisocial behavior, arguments, betrayal, callous and calculating, debauchery, depression, disrupted harmony, divorce, empty nest syndrome, family quarrels, infighting, insults, interruptions, irritation, misplaced loyalties, personality clashes, problem child, sorrow, strife, turning your back on the family unit, unchecked greed, unreasonable demands, violence, wantonness.

Page of Cups

Upright Interpretation

Affectionate, artistic ability, birth of a child, creative, divination, dramatic, dreamy, emotional, fondness for animals, gentle, good news, hidden talents, imagination, intimate, introverted, loving, messages by spoken word, new beginnings, prefers to work alone, psychic, romantic dreamer, self-awareness, sensitive, strong intuitions, thoughtful.

Reversed Interpretation

Arrested development, bad news concerning relationships, deception, easily led, escapism, impetuous, jealousy, lazy, lives for the moment only, melancholy, not rooted in reality, self-absorbed, shallowness, slave to his affections, spoiled, substance abuse, susceptible to false flattery, tactless, unhappiness, untrustworthy, weak minded.

Knight of Cups

Upright Interpretation

Amiable, artistic, compassionate, eager to please, earnest, empathetic, hopeless, romantic, idealistic, imaginative, kind, knight in shining armor, marriage proposals, need to express feelings, new love, Prince Charming, refined, romance, sensitive soul, sincere, story book romances, suave, sympathetic.

Reversed Interpretation

Conceited, deceptive, embezzlement, emotional manipulation, evasive, fake or fraud, false flattery, false promises, illusions, immature, infidelity, insincere, lazy, narcissistic, overactive imagination, pathological liar, reckless, seduction, substance abuse, sugar-coating the situation, temperamental, trickery, unreliable, weakness, wolf in sheep’s clothing

Queen of Cups

Upright Interpretation

Artistically gifted, compassionate, emotional maturity, empathetic, enigmatic, fey, generous, good counselor, good mother and wife, healer, imaginative, intuitive, lover of the arts, loving, loyalty, mystery, nurturing, occult interests, otherworldly, poetic, psychic, sensitive, sentimental, spiritual, tender-hearted, unpretentious, visions and dreams.

Reversed Interpretation

Behind the scenes manipulator, cryptic, daydreamer, dishonesty, disorganized, emotional unstable, escapism, fickle, frivolous, gullible, has a personal agenda, heartbreaker, hypersensitive, irrational, moody, not to be trusted, oblivious, perversity, secretive, secretly vindictive, self-delusional, substance abuse, susceptible to flattery, unrealistic, unreliable, vanity.

King of Cups

Upright Interpretation

Calm, caring, chivalrous, compassionate, cool under fire, cultured, dignity, diplomatic, educated, empathetic, faithful, father figure, finds humor in even the bleakest situations, kind, lover and supporter of the arts, loving, reliability, responsibility, romantic, secretive, selfless, supportive friend, tactful, tolerant, trustworthy, virtuous, wise counselor.

Reversed Interpretation


Avoidance,  con man, crafty, deceptive, despoiler of others, dishonest, double dealer, fraud, hypersensitive, immoral, jaded, jealous, lecher, manipulative, neurotic, power seeker, rogue, ruthless, scandal, seducer, self-delusional, self-indulgent, substance abuse, treachery, unscrupulous, untruthful, vanity, vice, violent tendencies.

Ace of Swords

Upright Interpretation

Authority, beginnings of activity associated with the suit, changes for the good, clarity, conquest, courage, determination, individuality, journey by air, legal issues, logic, make long term goals, mental energy, opening lines of communication, order, rebirth, right of force, righteous battle, spiritual strength, strength in adversity, success, sudden changes, timing is right, triumph, truth, victory, willpower.

Reversed Interpretation

Abuse, bitterness, confusion, controlling behavior, delays, destructive force, doubt, empty use of force, failure to think things completely through, illness requiring surgery, illusions, injustice, intellectual roadblocks, limitations, loss of power, misdirected energy, obstacles, poking a sleeping dragon, prejudice, punishment, sarcasm, slander, threats, tyranny, uncertainty, unnecessary harshness, violence.

Two of Swords

Upright Interpretation

Avoidance, balance, blind vigilance, denial, dilemma, discipline, fear, ignoring a problem doesn’t make it go away, impasse, inner conflict, inner strength, inner turmoil, need for guidance, noncommittal, passivity, personal crisis, procrastination, refusing to take sides, repressing emotions, stalemate, standstill, sticking your head in the sand, tension, truce, uncertainty, unwilling to make a decision.

Reversed Interpretation

Accepting the challenge, action begins anew, betrayal, change, cheating, facing reality, false friends, false information, forward progress, good decisions, impotence, lies, movement, peace is restored, relief from stress, removing the blindfold, running away from responsibilities, seeing the consequences of your actions, superficiality, taking needed action, treachery exposed, truce, truth shall be revealed.

Three of Swords

Upright Interpretation

Absence, betrayal, conflict, death (rare), departures, disappointment, disillusionment, disruption, divorce, forlorn, grief heartache, illness, loneliness, loss, misunderstandings, mourning, negative thinking, problem pregnancy, psychological blocks, quarrels, remorse, separation, sorrow, stormy weather ahead, truce is broken, unrequited love, upheaval.

Reversed Interpretation

Alienation, backstabbing, burying the hatchet, change of heart, confusion denial, disorder, dwelling on past hurts, emotionally distant, getting on with the life, haven’t got time for the pain, illness, loss, mental breakdown, new perspectives, overly emotional, petty arguments, seclusion, slow recovery, social blunders, uneasy truce, violence.

Four of Swords

Upright Interpretation

Abstinence, banishment, break from the fighting, contemplations, exile, forced convalescence, illness, inactivity, introspection, patience, postponements, preparation for the future, putting everything on hold, recovery, recuperation, religious experiences, rest. retirement, retreat, situations involving hospitals, stagnation, stasis, time to relax and rejuvenate, vigilance, withdrawal.

Reversed Interpretation

Awakening, back in the swing of things, becoming more visible, break time is over, call to arms, caution needed, energizing, foresight, isolation, outcast, precautions, recovery, rejoining society, rekindling desires, renewed activity, resentment, rising up, thriftiness, time for action, use discretion, work related difficulties.

Five of Swords

Upright Interpretation

Cowardliness, defeat, destructive behavior, discord, dishonor, embarrassment, hollow victory, humiliation, indecision, insensitive, malice, manipulation, misfortune, not accepting your share of the blame, open hostility, paranoia, rash behavior, revenge, sabotage, selfishness, slander, sore loser, spite, spy in your midst, struggles, theft, treachery, turbulence, winning by unfair means.

Reversed Interpretation

Acquittal, apologies, bad news, clearing the air, end of slander and gossip, evening up the playing field, fair victory, false pride, instigating a fight, intimidation, intrigue, loss low, self-esteem, misfortune, need to prioritize, possible illness, slyness, the righteous will prevail, treachery exposed, unsympathetic, vengeance, vindication, weakness.

Six of Swords

Upright Interpretation

Covert activity, earned success, end to suffering, healing energy, long journey, ending, making forward progress, mind is open to new ideas, moving out of a stressful situation, objectivity, overly dependent on others, peaceful interludes, protection, release of destructive behavior, time to rest is near, transitions, travel by water, travel, turning point, visitors coming.

Reversed Interpretation

Confessions, depression, hard times coming, heading into rough waters, ignoring your problems won’t make them go away, illness, no resolution in sight, oppression, stagnation, stormy-weather ahead, surprises, swimming against the current, taking shortcuts, trials and tribulations, trouble, unwanted developments, unwanted public attention, unwelcome, change of events.

Seven of Swords

Upright Interpretation

Bad luck, betrayal of confidences, cowardice, cozen, deception, dirty little secrets, dishonesty, dodging responsibility, futility, greed, guilt, ill intentions, impulsive actions, insecurity, lack of conscience, legal concerns, new plans, no scruples, possible travel, preoccupations, refusing to take good advice, sabotage, sneaky, sudden, impulses, thievery, trickery, undeserving effort, unprincipled actions.

Reversed Interpretation

Apology, arguments, condescending attitude, deserved criticism, full disclosure, giving up without a fight, inability to finish projects, incomplete facts, indecision, it’s not as bad as you think, manipulation, missing the boat, payback, prudence, return of stolen property, slander, timidness, truth comes to light, warnings of deceptions.

Eight of Swords

Upright Interpretation

Adversity, blindness, censure, confusion, depression, despair, doubt, duplicity, emotional crisis, fear of confrontation, fear, feeling trapped, frustration, illness, indecision, insults, isolation, jealousy, legal problems, limitations, limited options, major difficulties, mental fatigue, miscommunications, prison of your own making, restrictions, unable to think clearly, victimization, waiting around to be rescued.

Reversed Interpretation

Accidents, breaking free, change, clarity of vision, depression, destiny, healing, improved feelings of worth, liberation, misapplied effort, moving on to a better situation, new beginnings, objectivity, obstacles are removed, passing the test, pressure is casing off, re-evaluation of present circumstances, relaxation after stress, self-confidence, returns, taking responsibility for yourself, trial by fire.

Nine of Swords

Upright Interpretation

Accusations, anguish, anxiety, broken promises, cruelty, depression, desolation, despair, doubt, failure, fear, feelings of impending doom, gloom, guilty conscience, harsh self-criticism, hopelessness, illness, injustice, insomnia, isolation, lamentation, malice, nightmares paralyzed into inactivity, pessimism, premonitions, runaway imagination, scandal, shame and disgrace, stress, suspicion, uncertainty, worry.

Reversed Interpretation

Clear conscience, clearing the ghosts out of the attic, darkness, before the dawn, exaggerated overreaction, facing your fears, groundless fears, healing energy, improving health, liberation, light at the end of the tunnel, mercy, nightmare is ending, peace, pulling yourself together, rehabilitation, release, relief, renewed faith, resolution, rest, setting our mind at ease, time to begin recovery, vivid dreams.

Ten of Swords

Upright Interpretation

Bad advice, bankruptcy, desolation, devastation, disappointment, disruption, emotional isolation, enemies abound, exhaustion, forced change, forced martyrdom, hitting rock bottom, hysteria, legal problems, overkill, personal defeat, possible travel, ruin, salvage what you can, self-inflicted pain, shattered dreams, skid row, the battle is lost, there is nothing left.

Reversed Interpretation

Accepting a helping hand, benevolence, cleansing, forgiveness, heartfelt, charity, low self-esteem, moving forward, pulling yourself up by your bootstraps, punishment for transgressions, redemption resignation, second wind, self-acceptance, starting over, the worst is over, time to start rebuilding, unexpected financial windfall.

Page of Swords

Upright Interpretation

Adaptability, daring, decisive, defensive, delays, detachment, dexterity, diplomatic, discerning, discriminating, energetic, grace, highly intelligent, inquisitive, intellectual development, intuition, keen, legal affairs, logic, mental challenges, messages, by letter, negotiator, not the time for rash decisions, prodigy, quick thinking, strong will, travel, truth unpredictable.

Reversed Interpretation

Always has an excuse, bad news coming, bratty behavior, busybody, calculating personality, cunning, danger, deceit, devious, false pretenses, gossip, health problems, hyperactive, inaction, misunderstandings, psychological abuse, remoteness, sarcastic, self-centered, spying, suspicious, too clever for his own good, vindictive.

Knight of Swords

Upright Interpretation

Aggressive, ambitious, assertive, bravado, call to action, career minded, courage, determination, direct, diversity, emotionally distant, firm resolve, focused, idealistic, knowledgeable, leadership material, logical, passionate, perseverance, problem, solver, protector and defender of the weak, swift changes, versatile, warrior.

Reversed Interpretation

Arrogance, blunt and opinionated, coldly logical, chaotic, cheater, convert operations, deceitful, detached, dishonesty, dominating, false bravado, hidden agendas, ill health, impassible, impatience, intolerance, intrigue, meanness, must win in any cost, overbearing, sly, spying, takes things too literally, tyranny, violent behavior.

Queen of Swords

Upright Interpretation

Ambitious, astute, brutally honest, capable, charitable, childless, emotional, detachment, excellent, powers of observation, fair judgment, independent, needs no one’s permission but her own, open-minded, outspoken, perceptive, sadness, solitary, sorrowful, sterility, strong-willed, suffers no fools gladly, widowed or divorce woman

Reversed Interpretation

A bitch on wheels, angry, bitter, cold and calculating, demanding, finicky, formidable, enemy, gossip, hidden agendas, hypercritical, ice water instead of blood in her veins, insensitive, intolerance, jilted lovers, judgmental, malicious, manipulation, narrow-minded. sarcastic, spiteful, undermining, unforgiving, untrustworthy, vindictive.

King of Swords

Upright Interpretation

Alert, ambitious, analytical, assertive, austere, balance, diplomatic, discipline with compassion, emotionally distant, ethical, fair, fierce, forthright, impartial, intellectual, intense, inventive, objective, powerful, private, professional, quick, rational, severe, somber, stem, strong leader, strict, supreme authority, wise.

Reversed Interpretation

Contemptuous, cruelty, demanding, disruption, distrustful, domineering, evil intentions, he acts as judge, jury and executioner, hypercritical, misuse of power, obstinate, overly cautious, prejudice, retribution and revenge, rigid ruthless, sadistic, spiteful, suspicious, tyrant, underhanded, vengeful, vindictive, violence and abuse.

Ace of Pentacles

Upright Interpretation

Abundance, attainment, beginning of activity associated with the suite, beginning of potential prosperity, career changes, gifts, inheritance, luxury, manifestation of goals, material gain, new employment, new opportunities, physical well-being, practicality, recognition, security, sensual pleasure, stoicism, success, successful projects, take a chance, trust

Reversed Interpretation

Avarice, big plans fall through, carelessness, delayed payments, false promises, fear of change or death, gambles, don’t pay off, façades, get rich quick schemes, greed, hasty decisions, insecurity, materialism, miserliness, money doesn’t buy happiness, overconfidence, overindulgence, overly possessive, standing on shaky ground, unimaginative, wealthy in appearance only.

Two of Pentacles

Upright Interpretation

Balance, juggling, flexibility, decisions, trying to make ends meets, adaptability, equilibrium, social status and obligations, stamina, gifts, creative bookkeeping, spreading yourself thin, preoccupation with money, ineffective time management, stay focused, imminent change, possible, change of residence.

Reversed Interpretation

Communication breakdown, decisions need to be made, debt, disorganization, envy, greed, ignorance, impracticality, impulsive spending, inattention to financial matters, information overload, living only in the moment, not planning for the future, overindulgence, overwhelmed, paperwork piling up, poor foundation, recklessness, rigidity, unable to maintain finances, unrealistic attitude.

Three of Pentacles

Upright Interpretation

Competence, craftsmanship, distinction and time, doing it the right way or no way at all, employment, expertise, following instructions, holding yourself to a higher standard, innovative, job satisfaction, perfection, recognition, reward for a job well done, skill, status, strong work ethics, takes the initiative, teamwork, technical ability, visible results.

Reversed Interpretation

Conceit, creative dry spell, delays, inexperience, fraud, ignorance, jealousness, lack of ambition, loss of interest, miserliness, misrepresentation, missed opportunities, need a second opinion, need to try harder, not accepting constructive criticism, not having the needed tools for the job, pettiness, obstinacy, prejudice, sabotage, trouble at work, tunnel vision, wastefulness.

Four of Pentacles

Upright Interpretation

Acquisitions, bull market, control, desire for power, financial security, gainful employment, generosity, gifts, fear of change, fear of loss, inheritance, keeping up with the Joneses, money management, movers and shakers, possessions, power through acquisition, protecting your territory, reluctance to take risks, solid investments, stability, upwardly mobile.

Reversed Interpretation

Avarice, bankruptcy, bear market, carelessness, defensive, delays, financial loss, grasping, hoarding, house of cards is collapsing, lack of initiative, miserliness, obsession with money, obstructions, oppositions, overprotective, overspending paranoia, power, hungry, problems in business or finance, refusal to share good fortune, stingy, suspicion, timidity.

Five of Pentacles

Upright Interpretation

Abandonment, bankruptcy, breakdowns, can’t see the forest for the trees, despondency, destitution, disappointments, down and out, financial crisis, health problems, impracticality, legal problems, loneliness, loss of employment, loss of faith, obstacles, outcast, poverty, redundancy, rejection, self-doubt, self-pity, spiritual impoverishment, taking unnecessary risks, it is worse than you know, worry.

Reversed Interpretation

Accepting a hand up, coming in from the cold, deceptions, forgiveness, hard times, coming to a close, hope, improper relationships, improved health, misconduct, new lease on life, new starts, renewed hope and faith, return of the prodigal son, sanctuary, sense of belonging and acceptance, spending wisely, squandering resources,  welcoming the lost sheep back into the fold.

Six of Pentacles

Upright Interpretation

Added bonuses, accomplishment, altruism, benevolence, charity, completion, empathy, fairness and equality, financial aid, generosity, gifts, gratification, helping your fellow man, kindness, material abundance, sharing the wealth, philanthropy, planning for the future financially, promotions, random acts of kindness, repaying a debt, rewards, solvency, sympathy.

Reversed Interpretation

Blind ambition, bribes, cheating, criminal activity, dirty money, dishonesty, dominance and submission, extravagance, fair weather friends, highway robbery, jealousy, loans come due, loan sharking, money owed, oppression, poor choices in friends, racketeering, refusal to help those in need, self-centered behavior, selfishness, thievery, uneasiness, unfairness.

Seven of Pentacles

Upright Interpretation

Better to make a slow nickel than a fast dime, calculated risks, clearing out of unwanted or unneeded items, considering the consequences of your actions, evaluating your progress, fear of success, finances are improving, gambles, investments, need for consistency, perseverance, progress, reflection and assessment, seeing the big picture, slow and steady wins the race, slow growth, working towards a goal.

Reversed Interpretation

Anxiety, bad gambles, complications, dead end street, depression, despair, disillusionment, financial insecurity, getting short changed, giving up too easily, impatient, inattention, inertia, irresponsibility, lazy, money troubles, not carrying your share o the workload, procrastination, refusing to learn from past mistakes, self-pity, setbacks. shortcuts.

Eight of Pentacles

Upright Interpretation

Apprentice, attention to detail, craftsmanship, dedication, diligence, education to further your current success, focused effort, fulfilling employment, giving it that special touch, new line of work, perfecting your craft, perseverance is necessary, practicality, skill, talent, thriftiness, using advantage/risk reasoning, well-rounded, wise investments.

Reversed Interpretation

Avarice, cheating, conceit, cutting corners, dishonesty, dealings, embezzlement, feeling that the world owes you a living, financial problems, impostors and pretenders, insincerity, lack of preparation, laziness, misappropriated energy and skill, overly concerned with appearances, poor job performance, quantity not quality, vanity, second rate.

Nine of Pentacles

Upright Interpretation

Accepting consequences for your actions, autonomy, comforts, confident inabilities, discipline, financial security, gambling wins, gifts, good health, inheritance, possessions, refinement, self-sufficient, settlements, still haven’t found what you’re looking for, success, using talents wisely, wealthy but alone, well-being.

Reversed Interpretation


Bad money management, barely making ends meet, clingy, corruption, feeling that the world owes you a living, guilty conscience, hasty decisions, ill gotten gains, integrity is being questioned, lacking in scruples and integrity, corruption, loss of friendship, overly dependent on others, pilferage, self-indulgence, swindling, theft.

Ten of Pentacles

Upright Interpretation

Affluence, close-knit, comfort, cooperation, financial security, inheritance, good advice, harmony and tranquility, heritage, influence, it’s all good, life events, pampered, personal loyalty, prestige, privileged, prosperity, retirement, riches about, the good life, old money, reputation, the whole enchilada, tradition, tranquil family life.

Reversed Interpretation

Burdened by responsibility, coddled, emotional baggage, family secrets, family squabbles, gambling, illness (parental or elder), insecurity, legal problems, loss, more money than sense, old grudges, resentments, skeletons in the closet, spoiled, theft, uncertainty, unmotivated, unstable finances, unwanted family obligations.

Page of Pentacles

Upright Interpretation

Articulate, childlike fascination, conscientious, curious about nature, deliberate, determination, educational opportunities, enthusiasm, financial opportunities, looking to the future, messages by email, IM, or text, open minded, paperwork and documents, practicality, pragmatic, respectful, responsible, setting reasonable goals, thrifty

Reversed Interpretation

Bad news concerning money, busybody, conceited, degradation, depression, disorder, extravagant, ignorance, illogical, impractical, impatience, impudent, lack of respect, low self-esteem, maladroit, materialistic, monotony, moody, nitpicking, not reading the fine print, overzealous, rebel without a clue, shallow, snobbish, spendthrift, wasteful.

Knight of Pentacles

Upright Interpretation

Boy scout, cautious, conscientious, dependable, down to earth, easy going, helpful, impassive, indifferent, industrious, kind to animals, loyal, nature and animal lover, patient, perseverance, practical and pragmatic, progress is being made, realistic, responsible, serious, stability, stoic, thorough, thoughtful, traditionalist, unwavering.

Reversed Interpretation

Apathy, boorish, dull, foppish, greed, impatience, instability, irresponsible, lack of progress, laziness, missed opportunities, money problems, no sense of humor, overly cautious and conservative, plodding, impractical, irresponsible, self-satisfied, sense of entitlement, smug, stagnation, tunnel vision, unemployed, unimaginative, uninspired, unrefined.

Queen of Pentacles

Upright Interpretation

Bright, budget keeper, capable, close attention to details, down to earth, emotionally mature, environmentalist, experienced, fertile, flashy, fond of luxury, good business sense, good manager, hard working, intelligent, nature lover, practical protective, provider, reliable, resourceful hostess, works well with others.

Reversed Interpretation

Blames others for her mistakes, controlling, distrustful, dogmatic, elitist, fair weather friend, feels entitled, flighty, frivolous, gluttony, greed, insecurity, irresponsible, judges by visible wealth, loves gossip, materialistic, overly concerned with appearances, poor money management, pretentiousness, self-loathing, snobbish, stingy, stubborn, two-faced, vain workaholic.

King of Pentacles

Upright Interpretation

Achievable goals, captain of industry, cautious, common sense, consultant, enjoys comfort and luxury, enterprising, father figure, good investments, manager, methodical, old school, open-minded, patience, practical, professional, reliable, responsibility, school of hard knocks, slow to anger, solidity, sound advice, success, supportive, trustworthy, wealth.

Reversed Interpretation

Abusive, amoral, crude, dishonest, dull, exploitation, jealous, lack of business sense, lack of foresight, materialistic, misuse of power, obsessed with wealth or acquiring possessions, offensive, opinionated, quick to anger, resistance to change, roué, ruthless, shallow, spendthrift, status, conscious, violent temper, vanity, vulgar.

интерпретации  Annikin 

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