The Rabbit Tarot — Таро Кроликов

Характеристика The Rabbit Tarot — Таро Кроликов
Оригинальное название: The Rabbit Tarot
Автор: Nakisha Elsje VanderHoeven (BlueDogRose)
Сайт таро Кроликов:
Художник: Nakisha VanderHoeven
Издательство: самиздат
Производство: США
Состав: 78 карт (МБК в электронном виде)
Язык карт: английский
Размер карт: 6.25 x 8.75 см, мини издание 6.25 x 4.44 см
Год: 2009, 2013 (2е издание)
Книга: The Rabbit Tarot, 58 стр. на англ. языке, 2010 год
Традиция: Уэйт
Младшие арканы: иллюстрации
Масти: Палочки, Тюльпанчики, Морковки и Ромашки
Карты двора: Паж, Рыцарь, Дама, Король
Нумерация: Шут 0 Сила 8 Правосудие 11
Категория: животные, детская
Другие колоды Nakisha Elsje VanderHoeven (BlueDogRose): Таро Крыс — The TaRat (Rat Tarot), The BlueDogRose Tarot, The Badgers Forest Tarot
Очень забавное, нарисованное акварелью Таро Кроликов от художницы Nakisha VanderHoeven, нарисовавшей Таро Крысок. В качестве мастей тут Палочки, Тюльпанчики, Морковки и Ромашки. Прекрасный мир маленького Кролика.
Кролики — серьезные существа!
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Обзор The Rabbit Tarot — Таро Кроликов
«Таро Кролика» (второе издание) — новое творение художницы Накиши Вандерхевен. Не откажите себе в удовольствии просмотреть галерею: эта колода едва ли оставит вас равнодушными! Нежные акварельные рисунки повествуют о жизни белого и черно-белого кроликов. Образы эмоциональные, но в то же время мягкие. Арканы, которые в традиционных колодах носят мрачный характер, здесь пропитаны скорее грустью и тоской, чем страхом. Несмотря на немного детские иллюстрации, это Таро в работе не уступает более «серьезным» и «взрослым» колодам… (читать дальше обзор Магазина Тароман)
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The Rabbit Tarot- Nakisha VanderHoeven ©2009
0 — The Fool
This foolish rabbit is impulsive and unrestrained. This card often signifies irrational people or actions that are not
thought out. It sometimes heralds a new and sometimes risky venture, a flight of fancy, or an act of carelessness.
Though possibly a lot of fun, the Fool is not to be taken too seriously, and signifies impulsive joy, excitement or
play without thought to consequences.
In the reversed position this card can mean reckless, frenzied or unthinking actions or events. It can be read as
cautionary, as a need to take things more seriously or with more gravitas.
1 — The Magician
The Magician is a clever and talented rabbit. This card indicates skilled actions or a confident and talented person.
There is mastery and capability in the efforts of the Magician. Though they know what they are doing, their
reasons are not always apparent. This card may be telling the reader to act in a clever way to overcome obstacles.
When reversed this card often means the reader is being tricked or deceived by another, clever person. There
could be slight of hand or deception taking place, or manipulation by others.
2 — The High Priestess
The High Priestess is a wise and reserved rabbit. This card can refer to a stern individual that comes across as being
emotionless or cold on the surface, but is also swift to act and severe in judgment. The High Priestess encourages
patience, common sense and careful study, as well as holding one’s emotions in check and not acting rashly.
The High Priestess when reversed can indicate physical illness or an inability to share emotions. It could also
indicate a desire to withdraw from busy social situations, and a need to be alone and reflect on internal doings.
3 — The Empress
The Empress is a powerful and fickle rabbit. This card often indicates an accomplished woman in a position of
authority, or a mother, daughter, sister or wife. Feminine yet not weak, the Empress rules her world with her
heart and her mind, and enjoys the finer things in life.
The Empress can indicate being smothered or oppressed when reversed. It can refer to someone using guilt to
control others, or trying to influence others with beauty, friendship, or favors.
4 — The Emperor
The Emperor is a powerful and stern rabbit. Confidant and accomplished, the Emperor can also refer to a father,
son, brother or husband. The Emperor is used to getting what he wants and controlling a situation, but can be fair
in asserting his authority.
The Emperor when reversed can indicate a position of oppression, or of being dominated by an arrogant or
wealthy dictator. The Emperor in this position can also refer to an unfair balance of power.
5 — The Hierophant
The Hierophant is a mysterious and wise rabbit. His advice can be inspired, yet oftentimes hard to hear or
understand. This card can also indicate actions with far reaching consequences, small steps towards bigger efforts
that may not be obvious.
The Hierophant, when reversed, can indicate an inability to see the facts or be realistic about a situation. It also
may point to the presence of fear or superstition that is not beneficial.
6 -The Lovers
The Lovers are a close pair of rabbits. This card speaks to the heart, love, relationships and the significant other.
The Lovers are often an indication of happiness and closeness, physical beauty, emotional fulfillment and passion.
Reversed, the Lovers often indicate strife or jealousy. There can be temptation, a question of trust or a feeling of
being lost in another. It may be that the feelings felt for another are one sided and not reciprocated.
7 -The Chariot
The rabbit in the Chariot is a force to be reckoned with. Almost always, the Chariot indicates an inevitable event
or process that cannot be reversed. It can also refer to travel, or a sudden positive change in work, relationships or
the home life.
The Chariot when reversed indicates a lack of control over the change that is happening or is about to happen. It
can be a sudden event that is accompanied with turmoil, flight, or indecision and upset.
8 -Strength
Strength is a subtle and powerful rabbit. Courageous, determined and mindful, Strength indicates physical
strength, fortitude, and conquest over adversity. It can indicate accomplishment or attainment after difficulty.
Strength takes charge of a situation or responsibility for actions.
When Strength is reversed it can mean being overpowered or overwhelmed, not being in control, or struggling
with adversity.
9 -The Hermit
The Hermit is a reclusive and solitary rabbit. This card calls for introspection, solitude and careful thinking of the
situation at hand. It can refer to a loner, a misunderstood individual or someone fearful of being misunderstood.
The Hermit when reversed can indicate an unhealthy withdrawal, loneliness or isolation. It can also mean
depression, unhappiness and illness.
10 -Wheel of Fortune
The Wheel of Fortune is the rabbit of change. Fate, destiny, kismet and luck are all tied into the pivotal points of
the wheel, and pulling this card indicates a turning point, literally. There may be a coming together of people or
an event that precipitates change.
When the Wheel of Fortune is reversed, the meaning stays the same, but the changes taking place may be
unexpected or unprecedented.
11- Justice
The Justice rabbit is definitive and insightful. This card calls for fairness, balance, harmony and honor. Justice is
empirical and relies on fact to make decisions. It is good to step back and weight the pros and cons of the situation
at hand when this card is drawn.
Justice inversed can mean unbalance, unfairness and biased actions. It could mean a judgment against the reader,
or a fact coming to light that changes a decision.
12 -The Hanged Rabbit
The Hanged Rabbit is a rabbit in the state of being held back. There may be an inability or unwillingness to move
forward, a suspension of effort, or indecisiveness. It can refer to a frustrating situation, and a lack of progress.
When the Hanged Rabbit is reversed it points to the reader being controlled by others or restrained by
circumstances beyond their control.
13 — Death
The rabbit of Death is a rabbit of transformation. It can mean a sudden and unexpected change or a definitive
decision. It can mean the ending of a life, or a relationship, loss of a job or of faith. It indicates change that is final
and irreversible, and possibly damaging or scarring.
When Death is reversed it can mean transcending from one state to another, beginning to move on, and the
completion of something that was causing suffering or unhappiness.
14 — Temperance
The Temperance rabbit is one of balance. She encourages patience, moderation and the avoidance of extremes.
This card recommends compromise and acceptance and fairness in all relationships.
Temperance, when reversed, implies overindulgence, gluttony or greed which causes imbalance. It can mean
excess in emotion, consumption or unrealistic feelings towards work or love.
15 — The Devil
The Devil rabbit is one of temptation and malevolent influence. He encourages selfishness and self satisfaction.
This card can refer to an unsettling event or a feeling of evil or dread. It warns against following without
questioning, relying on advice that is untrustworthy, or believing in the superficial.
The reversed Devil gives insights that may benefit the reader, if one sees it for what it is. The reversed Devil can
mean clarity, seeing evil at work, or catching a damaging plan before it comes to fruition.
16 — The Tower
The rabbit in the Tower heralds a sudden disruption, epiphany or event. It can signal a visitor, a disaster or a
situation breaking down. It spells trouble for relationships, a literal shaking up of the household or living situation,
or abandonment of a long held idea.
The Tower means painful change that is necessary and unstoppable when reversed. It’s best to see the events as a
cathartic clearing of the air and removing of obstacles in order to move ahead.
17 — The Star
The Star rabbit shines on secrets and gives hope. The star can guide you to new horizons, and heralds the
completion of hard work or an end to strife or effort. The star brings elements from the future and past together in
a bright event or moment.
The reversed Star can mean false hope, misguided direction or wishful thinking. The ideas referred to by the
reversed Star are not to be trusted and may only indicate half truths or impossibilities.
18 — The Moon
The Moon rabbit is fickle and ever changing. It is a cautionary card, indicating errors, mistakes, trickery and
ulterior motives. The moon can mean a selfish and lazy person or an emotional outburst. Never trust the sincerity
of the moon.
The Moon when reversed can mean that feelings of doubt or dread should be heeded. It is a warning against
trusting another’s integrity or profession of strong emotions, as they are libel to change.
19 — The Sun
The Sun rabbit is bright and austere. The sun is success, happiness, and warmth, good friendship and genuine
feelings. It radiates charm and beauty and indicates devotion, growth and enlightenment.
The Sun when reversed can be blinding. It indicates overindulgence in pleasure or holding on to euphoric feelings
in absence of true emotions. It can mean something is too good to be true.
20 — Judgment
The Judgment rabbit is a wake up call. The blast of the horn symbolizes awakening, and can also be a call to
action. It can indicate an important opportunity or decision and also announce a coming event of some
The reversed Judgment calls for penance, time to forgive, apologize or admit wrongs. It also means facing up to the
truth of the matter and taking responsibility.
21 — The World
This rabbit has the World at its feet, gathering and considering everything. It is the ultimate card around which
everything revolves, and is an indication of completion and fulfillment. It calls for taking control and the ability to
make accurate decisions and see every opportunity. This card when reversed has essentially the same meaning, but
the view is different.
The Minor Arcana
1 of Sticks The One of Sticks card symbolizes creation. It could be a visionary idea or the obtainment of
knowledge. The one of sticks can be the beginning of a new project of some significance, or the starting on the
path to possible fortune.
2 of Sticks The Two of Sticks is a loss of balance. It can mean a feeling of being kept down, or not being in
control. There are elements of distrust and an inability to do what you want or what needs to be done.
3 of Sticks The Three of Sticks indicates bold ideas and a clear understanding of your situation. It can mean
enterprise, practical knowledge, or the grasping of a situation, concept or idea.
4 of Sticks The Four of Sticks is often a place of refuge, or safety. It can also mean a need to be alone or a distrust of
outsiders. The Four of Sticks can be a secure place or a home.
5 of Sticks The Five of Sticks indicates an unsatisfactory result, or an unrealized idea. It could come with a feeling
of failure, or facing strenuous competition without success.
6 of Sticks The Six of Sticks means there is good news. It could be advancement at work, or a sense of pride in an
achievement. The Six of Sticks can also symbolize the realization of an idea.
7 of Sticks The Seven of Sticks symbolizes the overcoming of problems with ideas or quick thought. It can indicate
triumph over difficulties or the realization of ideas that bring success. The seven of sticks involves clever problem
8 of Sticks The Eight of Sticks is a card wrapped up in doubt. It can be a suddenly abandoned idea, or unforeseen
separation. It can mean the splitting up of a relationship.
9 of Sticks The Nine of Sticks calls for hard work. There is a need for strength and forethought. The Nine of Sticks
can herald an unseen difficulty. It could mean misery and strife or struggle with many tasks.
10 of Sticks The Ten of Sticks can mean there is a stressful or pressured decision. There could be a situation
requiring change or deep thought. There can be a sense of being alone against the world. A pivotal decision may
be at hand.
Page of Sticks The Page of Sticks is symbolic of a good friend. This person can be hard working, loyal and
trustworthy. He or she is agreeable, friendly and willing to help out. This person is a patient and a good listener.
Knight of Sticks The Knight of Sticks is somewhat indecisive person, and quickly moves from one idea to the next,
sometimes not fully grasping the implications. It can also be a person who is thoughtful to the point of inaction. It
sometimes symbolizes a person on a journey or great undertaking, which is distant from where they need to be.
Queen of Sticks The Queen of Sticks is a loving and sympathetic woman. She can be charming and social with a
great wit and keen intelligence. She can also be very intuitive, caring and nurturing. Adaptable, the Queen of
Sticks sometimes is overindulgent in gossip or food or drink. She tends to likes the finer things in life such as
friendship and comfort, but is also comforting and smart in helping solve problems.
King of Sticks The King of Sticks is an honest and thoughtful man. He is fair in his dealings and careful in handling
money, friendships and practical matters. He is open to different matters of opinion, and enjoys a debate about
politics and religion. Emotionally he may not be passionate, but does feel things deeply even if he doesn’t always
express them.
1 of Tulips The One of Tulips is a card of joy. It can be love at first sight, passion, or life long friendships. It
indicates fulfillment, contentment, the family or home.
2 of Tulips The Two of Tulips often means jealousy. There can also be feelings of worry, anxiety over a
relationship, distrust or fear of commitment. Underlying problems in a business partnership or a personal
relationship are possible.
3 of Tulips The Three of Tulips symbolizes a good conclusion. It can indicate the obtainment of a desired object, a
healing resolution, or the mending of a friendship or unhappy situation.
4 of Tulips The Four of Tulips often heralds unhappiness, disillusionment, weariness or disgust. It can indicate a
bitter or disappointing experience or event or feelings of remorse or depression.
5 of Tulips The Five of Tulips can indicate a meaningless friendship or relationship. It can sometimes refer to a
rivalry, a loveless person, loss or imperfection.
6 of Tulips The Six of Tulips is a card of memories and nostalgia. There may be feelings of regret due to paths not
taken. The Six of Tulips sometimes refers to childhood events or a turning point in the past.
7 of Tulips The Seven of Tulips is symbolic of daydreams or foolish whims. It can mean fantasy or unrealistic
expectations. There may be an element of silliness or the absurd.
8 of Tulips The Eight of Tulips suggests shyness. There can also be some frustration in relationships, a separation,
or the feeling of missing someone.
9 of Tulips The Nine of Tulips can indicate success without happiness. There may be obtainment without joy or an
overwhelming feeling of something missing.
10 of Tulips The Ten of Tulips is a card of happiness. There may be excitement, passion and exuberance. The Ten
of Tulips often refers to a celebration or festive event.
Page of Tulips The Page of Tulips is a serious person, somewhat shy, and may even be frightened or fearful. He or
she is somewhat impulsive and unrealistic, impatient at times. A bit imbalanced, this person may have sudden
emotional highs and lows.
Knight of Tulips The Knight of Tulips is a romantic individual, loyal and sweet natured. He or she wears their heart
on their sleeve. This person is passionate yet is a champion for true love and is committed to one partner. The
Knight of Tulips can refer to a person bearing an invitation.
Queen of Tulips The Queen of Tulips is a beautiful and somewhat austere woman, intimidating yet fair. She is
much adored, though may be considered cold in her actions or appearance. She can be unpredictable at times,
possibly even cruel or fickle but is warm and inviting when she chooses. The Queen of Tulips is often the object of
unwanted attention.
King of Tulips The King of Tulips is a learned and industrious man. He is lustful and fond of the finer things in life,
having an abundant appetite and monetary wealth. The King of Tulips is also fond of jokes, good company and
good food. He can be a steadfast friend, though sometimes greedy and lustful or prone to excess.
1 of Carrots The One of Carrots symbolizes victory or success. It can mean the obtainment of power through
effort, or the physical possession of desired object. It often also indicates triumph after adversity or achievement
through action.
2 of Carrots The Two of Carrots presents a stalemate or halting of efforts. It can refer to a small setback which
requires a lot of work. There are elements of indecision, an inability to see the obvious, or straying from the
intended path.
3 of Carrots The Three of Carrots refers to a delay or inability to proceed. There may be a sense of moral obligation
or duty or loyalty that prevents action.
4 of Carrots The Four of Carrots is symbolic of a need to be left alone. A time to rest and gather strength may be
required in a private retreat. It can also indicate a sense of isolation.
5 of Carrots The Five of Carrots refers to a misunderstanding. There may be a negative response that brings delays
or misunderstandings. It can be a childish or selfish act or reaction.
6 of Carrots The Six of Carrots suggests someone is stealing or hoarding. It can also refer to a situation where
someone is leaving on a trip or journey with uncertain goals or results. There may be other wild behavior or
strange, unpredictable actions.
7 of Carrots The Seven of Carrots is often a deception that creates gain. It can refer to clandestine behavior or
someone acting in a clever way to gain favor or material goods. It can also be the coming together of many ideas.
8 of Carrots The Eight of Carrots refers to conflict, criticism or a sudden outburst of emotion. It can also be an
injury or ailment. The Eight of Carrots can indicate a coming crisis or bad news.
9 of Carrots The Nine of Carrots symbolizes hard work. It expresses a need for diligence, which may involve
methodical repetition. The nine of carrots can also refer to a school, a place of learning or a new field of study.
10 of Carrots The Ten of Carrots often heralds pain, sorrow, and a sense of isolation. There may be a sense of
abandonment or of an effort requiring serious contemplation.
Page of Carrots The Page of Carrots is an alert and perceptive younger person. He or she may not always tell the
truth or have the best intentions, but is clever. Although they can be helpful, the Page of Carrots is not to be
completely trusted or relied upon.
Knight of Carrots The Knight of Carrots is a dashing and active individual, both skilled and strong. He or she is
quick acting with a strong sense of loyalty and gallantry. Though brave and trustworthy, the knight of carrots is
not always available or on time.
Queen of Carrots The Queen of Carrots is a powerful woman, smart and quick witted. She is a capable person,
often taking action and fiercely loyal. She sometimes is prone to outbursts of violent temper but also very
passionate about the objects of her affection. She may have a one track mind, and have many complex skills which
require learning and concentration.
King of Carrots The King of Carrots is a strong and forceful man, used to getting what he wants. He can be
somewhat reserved and hard to read, but warm to those he knows and trusts. He possesses great courage and
conviction and is willing to fight for what he believes in. Once his mind is made up, the King of Carrots acts
quickly and decisively.
1 of Daisies The One of Daisies symbolizes perfection. It can mean the obtainment of wealth or material goods. It
is also indicative of luxury and enjoying the finer things.
2 of Daisies The Two of Daisies refers to a difficulty, obstacles or setbacks. There may be feelings of
embarrassment, or a delay in reaching goals or funds.
3 of Daisies The Three of Daisies indicates a mastery of a skill. It may be an innate artistic effort or intellectual
ability. The Three of Daisies could also refer to an inheritance or gift or some value.
4 of Daisies The Four of Daisies suggests a bonus, or unexpected gain. It often refers to the obtainment of material
goods and the love for material things.
5 of Daisies The Five of Daisies is a card of loss. It may refer to feelings of guilt, failure, and the inability to hold on
to wealth, a job, or material goods. The Five of Daisies can also mean a lie, or falsehood.
6 of Daisies The six of Daisies symbolizes generosity, gift giving or philanthropy. It can also indicate an act of
kindness or material distribution.
7 of Daisies The Seven of Daisies indicates ingenuity, hard work, careful planning, and adeptness. It can often
mean a person using a special craftiness, and progressing by planning ahead.
8 of Daisies The Eight of Daisies can heralds a loss of faith or sense of direction. There can be feelings of
disappointment. The Eight of Daisies often points to a misunderstanding, and a need for more information.
9 of Daisies The Nine of Daisies is symbolic of loss without chance of recovery. There can be failed attempts to
succeed during difficulty and a definite need for vigilance. It may also suggest a withdrawal or giving up.
10 of Daisies The Ten of Daisies indicates an increase in fortune or investment and prosperity. It is often
accompanied by an enjoyment of the fruits of labor, safety, well being, or riches.
Page of Daisies The Page of Daisies is a clever person, good at small tasks and repetitive actions. Although a good
student, he or she may be in need of more learning or practice. The Page of Daisies often prefers study to play, and
needs encouragement to relax or have fun.
Knight of Daisies The Knight of Daisies is a careful and reliable person. He or she is responsible, thoughtful and
often shares many ideas. Though practical with ideas and applications, the Knight of Daisies can be somewhat
arrogant and condescending.
Queen of Daisies The Queen of Daisies is a prosperous and handsome woman. She is secure in both ideas and
wealth. She can be a fair judge and observant person with much practical knowledge. Although often a very
logical individual with good advice, she is also sometimes misunderstood or underestimated.
King of Daisies The King of Daisies is an experienced leader or respected man. He is moral but not very social or
easy to understand. The King of Daisies is often in a position of some authority or in command of some wealth, but
not extravagant or showy. He can be somewhat cold and logical, but capable of generosity in the right
circumstances. He is also hard to deceive and impatient at times with emotional matters.